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Author Topic: Honey Badger Intensity Review  (Read 5585 times)


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Honey Badger Intensity Review
« on: February 27, 2021, 09:39:16 AM »
The new Badger from the 900 Global line is one of a kind. This type of benchmark ball is typically my favorite to throw. What I liked about the Badger is it is a step down off the Reality which is a stronger ball. A lot of the surfaces we typically bowl on have been generally hooking very early. The way to counter that is going with cleaner covers. What I like about the Badger is it has a clean cover yet its smooth shape won't blow past the break point  making this a great ball for the fresh. What I, also, liked about this ball was its ability to migrate in and yet retain enough energy to give me angle down lane. This ball provides plenty of versatility if you want to have your angles in front of you then slowly migrate in and open up the lane without losing carry.
This ball will be a must have and will work with a variety of styles, against many different oil patterns and be favorable to different layout and surface changes.



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Re: Honey Badger Intensity Review
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2021, 11:15:45 AM »
Honey Badger Intensity
Layout - 55 x 5 x 30

This ball rolls really good for me, I find it best used on fresh being that it is a sanded smooth rolling ball.  When the lanes aren't tight enough to use Reality but you still need something smoother this is the ball.  I would put it in a similar overall hook category to a Rubicon and Phaze 2.  This should be a great ball for bowlers of all skill levels and could be utilized on a variety of conditions!  Great shelf appeal too!


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Re: Honey Badger Intensity Review
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2021, 05:34:02 PM »
Well, I got a chance to throw it a couple few times. Very nice indeed. I was thinking...I wanted a bowling ball to go between the Ordnance C4 and the Reality. This might be fitting in pretty good! Normal started standing 25 (I am right handed) then throwing the ball at 15 (3rd arrow) and getting the ball to the break point at anywhere to the 10 - 7 board. I was very happy! Some balls you drill and don't like them or have to change the surface or something to make you happy. This ball out of the box, honestly I was Very happy. 712 right out of the box, so its a keeper and a ball to enjoy!