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Author Topic: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?  (Read 7021 times)


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How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« on: February 15, 2008, 02:09:38 AM »
I recently got my rotogrip cell and have set up an appointment to have it drilled this weekend. I asked about the break pearl since this is the pearl ball that i really want and they say that they cant order them and wont carry them at my pro shop. Its the only one in the area that i know of. So is there anyway i can get one from a proshop online?



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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 07:31:01 PM »
Thank god you are not my pro shop operator otherwise you would lose your biggest customer, i sent an email to Eric Thomas when the Break first came out and now my local shop K & K Bowling Services is one of there largest supporters.

The equipment is top notch and the service from them, i know you sell lane1 so you are selling there balls anyway in a way. They did rectify a problem for me fast and i am 100 percent happy with these 900global.

If you attempted to charge more to me i would laugh at you and you would never sell me or drill a ball for me again ever. Since i am not your customer i am sure you will make a comment towards me but if i was your largest customer i doubt you would risk losing my business.

btw i bought over 100 balls last year alone and have bought over 1k balls total locally over the last 5 years with these guys.

also sorry to hijack but the break pearl is worth the wait i have had it since the 2 nd day it was out.

I refuse to sell Global 900. I hope the other Pro Shops realize how bad 900's policy is. I charge additional to drill a Global 900 too.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 07:32:42 PM »
Deadmoney you deleted your post but i caught you with your quote, you have nailed for newguy to see this quote.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2008, 07:37:42 PM »
By deadmoney, before deletion:
I refuse to sell Global 900. I hope the other Pro Shops realize how bad 900's policy is. I charge additional to drill a Global 900 too.

  ( My reply below )
  I don't agree with their sales policy, but, if I were in the business and a customer came in specifically wanting one of their balls, I would try to get it for the customer.

  And I WOULD NOT punish my customer by chargin HIM/HER more to drill his/her ball because I don't agree with some companies sales policy.  

  It isn't your customers fault so don't punish them.

  Deadmoney, I caught your quote also.  You aren't going to get away with it as I copied and pasted it before you deleted it.
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Edited on 2/15/2008 8:40 PM
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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2008, 08:16:17 PM »
I don't sell Global 900. sorry. Its a hassle. Pro Shop pricing takes into account risk. There's inherent risk in drilling a product not available to you through your normal distribution channels.  My main distributor doesn't stock Ebonite either. They haven't in years, way before Ebonite's policy changes. I called Ebonite on it two years ago and I understood why after talking to their sales rep.

 I deleted my post to re-post. I'm sorry  you guys have nothing better to do that try to start an argument. I didn't want to come across as attacking newguy's policies. He's entitled to run his business anyway he wishes.

Edited on 2/15/2008 9:00 PM

First, thank you for posting in a more civilized manner.

Secondly, what are these risks? Have you consulted with Eric or Phil about them, to see if they can be alleviated? If it's something as simple as a return or a defect policy, I'm sure they will stand behind their product 100% and do everything they can to make you and your customer happy.

If the risk is something like, "I don't know if people will buy this ball, so I don't want one in stock," then my question is -- even if you believe the above -- why not be open to ordering one for a desiring customer? And why charge him more? Did it truly cost you more? Moreover, if you were going to stock, you only need to order one -- there's no set amount you need to order, as far as I know.

Just my .02.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2008, 11:05:46 AM »

I don't think your response is sarcastic enough. We have a business model and for now it is working as planned. Not all shops or consumers like it, but that is just the way it is with any program, " you can't be eveything to everyone"

I assure you that the sarcasm was not meant towards your company.  I have no problem with the way you choose to run your business and wish you nothing but success.  

The people on this site seem to want to pretend that most bowling pro shops are run like a "real" business instead of some backroom, good 'ol boy network.  For every pro shop that is run like a professional business, there are 3 or 4 that are not.  There are plenty of guys that are the only business in town and don't care whether you come back or not.  They will put in their few hours in the shop so that they can get free bowling, and spend most of their time repairing lane damaged balls.  Pin next to ring finger and CG in the grip works just fine for most people.  Drop your existing ball along with the new ball and come back in a few days, or weeks, and maybe somebody will get around to drilling it for you.  Sorry, Bill only drills on Monday and Thursday from 11-2.  Mike comes in on Wednesday night "around 8" and Steve, the lane "mechanic" might be able to help you if you need something simple.  "If you don't like, go buy the equipment and drill your own stuff!"


I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.

I agree with you, I just really enjoy some good sarcaism from, time to time. I did not mean any offense by it. Our model is to grow the company from the ground up, getting the support of the handful of good shops first.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2008, 03:38:40 PM »
So let me get this strait.. you won't sell Global, and your distributor doesn't have Ebo, so WTF do you sell exactly?  I am guessing you must be a storm shop. Maybe brunswick, but honestly if you are dumb enough to not find a new distributor that has some of the best selling equipment on the market, well don't totally NV the shops that have what the customers are buying.  Wow, just wow.  Global makes great stuff, as does Ebo, and if you don't have either, I feel for your CUSTOMERS. O well enjoy your bliss because.. well I'm sure somebody will get it.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2008, 10:28:36 PM »
Uptheboards--Why does he want to sell Storm or Ebonite shirts from staffers?
  It is nice that your proshop has these standards, however, I wonder how
he defines the words "customer service".  I prefer the definition that my
pro shop uses as trying to take care of my needs.


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Re: How can i get a break pearl if my pro shop wont carry them?
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2008, 02:22:17 PM »
My pro shop guy carries Ebonite, Hammer, Track, Columbia, Storm, Roto Grip, and Brunswick. What he calls the big 7.

Those are the only brands that sell. At one of his shops his manager there tried Lane Masters and Visionary...they did not sell except to those that just had to have something different just to be different. He can't give a Lane 1 ball away!

I asked him if he was going to carry AMF and 900 Global. He said since AMF had not put anything out in a long time, no one had any interest, and no one ever asked him about AMF. There is also no interest in 900 Global, Morich, Banger, Insite, or AZO either. I asked if he would carry The Break or the Creature and he said a 900 Global rep had never called on him, never offered a seminar or anything. AMF never sent him a brochure or even a sample ball. He simply does not have time with almost a dozen pro shops selling the "big 7" to take on anymore brands.

I guess it depends on the distribution channel and who has space to carry new brands. Why sell 900 Global when Ebonite and Hammer are flying off the shelves so quick that when he gets them in, they are gone the same day.

At least in my area, if one of the regional PBA pros comes in wearing an Ebonite or Storm shirt, those are what sells.
"I don't believe it! I Don't believe it! I don't believe it!..."

Edited on 2/16/2008 9:44 PM

This actually makes sense to me, carrying those "big 7" will cover the majority, yet I still think if somebody wants something, you get it for them, make the sale and get the customer.