alright Mr. Doom, you may be getting your wish. A few things have to work in my favor but I kinda have my sights set on the claw. I know I said i was leaning turmoil but my need is for a high end solid, and the turmoil is symmetrical. i already have a bigger symmetrical piece in the dare devil trick.
So in doing some research, the Claw is actually the best priced assym solid out there.
Im really factoring in price in this purchase because i'm in the navy so i definitely aint rich, and it'd be for heavy oil sport shot conditions. It'd never see the light of day in league unless i just flat out got bored of the after dark pearl but that doesn't seem to be happening. So i'd love to not go over 200 on a ball that would be very condition specific for me.
So if these few things go the way i need them to, i may need some suggestions on layout, and i was kinda thinking i wanted to sand it down from 2000, but figured id ask you about that first.