If anyone is interested, if your pro shop deals with Classic, they are now offering 900 Global equipment. I know this has been a sore subject of how pro shop operators won't deal with the company directly and would rather go thru a distributor. Let's face it, if a customer walks in your shop and says "I want a Pearl Break". What's going to be the reaction? Are you going to say, "I can obtain what you are looking for, but you will need to pay for the ball upfront" or will you say "We don't carry their equipment, sorry" I would hope as a pro shop operator you would offer to get the ball they are requesting but have them pay for it upfront so you don't have to worry about not having a 30 days net term. You will have a happy customer. Now, if you say the part of "we don't carry their equipment, sorry", Who is really losing out here? YOUR CUSTOMER. They also might not be a customer anymore. They are the ones requesting the ball. You should be able to get it for them. I can tell you if they are really serious about wanting a 900 Global ball and you ask them to pay for it upfront, they would! At least now there is a distributor that you can obtain their equipment thru.