Amazing replies... all coherent, concise, no bashing, and even proper spelling! What planet have I landed on?
I think I'll have to try multiple balls to get a proper feel
I won't go into huge detail as to why I'm leaving Roto, but the bottom line is this: my Cell was great but didn't last long even with VERY proper maintenance, my Horizon solid didn't fit my game, the Rogue was huge but inconsistent, and the final straw was the recent marketing campaign. I've just decided to put my disposable income in another company's pocket.
Sure sounds like I've found a home. My major problem has always been going too long, so the earlier roll of the S75 actually intrigues me. I hear with interest the love shown to the Break Point, but will have to fight the "latest and greatest" syndrome to pass by the Bounty Hunter. Also have wanted to try the Code and Nkrpytion Code. Looks like this could turn out to be a good summer after all!
On edit, I should add one thing. I had a bad look in team at Nats, so went down Sunday morning to pick up a new ball. I can't remember which booth, but they had both AMF/900G and Roto. I REALLY wanted to try a Mega, but the guy in the booth told me to save my money and that the Mega "burns up in 5 feet, you'll hate it". Of course, now I wonder....
Many thanks for the replies. I haven't thrown anything AMF since a 300 with a Gold Angle many years ago... I'll stay in touch.
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...
Edited on 6/13/2009 3:10 PM