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Author Topic: Leaving Roto, looking at 900G  (Read 5394 times)


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Leaving Roto, looking at 900G
« on: June 12, 2009, 11:19:32 PM »
I'm searching for a new ball company after taking all Roto out of the bag. I've heard good things about 900G and am anxious to give them a try. Can anyone educate me on the following to start?

- Which ball in the 900G line compares favorably to a Rogue Cell?
- Any other recommendations for a low-rev lefty who struggles in long oil?
- Is there any relationship between Lane #1 and 900G/AMF? (I'm definitely not a Lane #1 fan...)

Thanks in advance
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Re: Leaving Roto, looking at 900G
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2009, 06:00:21 PM »
Lane, thanks for the link. I'll go check it out right away....
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Re: Leaving Roto, looking at 900G
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2009, 03:13:16 AM »
the mega friction does hook early but the really good thing about it, it takes surface change great, plus it has a symmetrical block so its very very open to drilling, i know to LOW LOW rev bowlers that couldn't get a cell to move that much but after drilling a mega friction, there oil ball is set, as far as the guy at the both, he is correct on it hooking early but it still has a lot of power and hit, granted not everybody likes early (including myself) but the mega friction has to be the most hooking ball out there right now, hands down, dont be afraid to try it and if your afraid of too early, take the pin high and hit it with some polish, you will be set for a oil ball long or strong

as for lane 1 stuff, i havent tried it so i cant comment on it
Only throw the good stuff, Roto/Global.
#900Global #ihate9pins

DTC Pearl
Dream On
Inception Pearl x2 (Pin Up and Down)
Covert Ops
Honey Badger
Truth Pearl
Truth Solid

Sure Thing
Black Boost
Hybrid Boost
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