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Author Topic: S-75 - How strong is it really?  (Read 3441 times)


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S-75 - How strong is it really?
« on: April 15, 2009, 12:06:41 AM »
I just aquired a 2nd NIB Break s75 for dirt cheap. It has a short pin, So I am going to do a pin down layout for the ball to be my oiler hopefully. I also have a Solaris Requiem coming.

I am assuming the Requiem will be a little stronger overall, but I am wanting to drill that the same as my original Solaris, which is pin sitting ontop of ring.

I am a 350 rev bowler, 15-17 MPH on speed. I was thinking a 5 x 4 1/4 pin under bridge. I thought about going 4 1/2 x 4 1/4. but I am afraid of really high a differential it has, seems it would flare the whole ball for me at the pin distance.

What kind of results are you guys getting out of yours, with the layouts, (if you could state please) that you have on yours.

This ball has intrigued me for a while, glad I came across one. That soaker cover on an oil ball sounds very nice.
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Edited on 4/15/2009 8:32 AM



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Re: S-75 - How strong is it really?
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2009, 12:14:43 PM »
Phil cam on here once, and said this ball so far was the only one that matched up to the Soaker cover so far.

I thought it was just a additive though, and had nothing to do with reaction shape or anything.
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