Weaser, There are a ton of balls out there and there aren't to many people that throw the ball the same

including myself. I don't think you will go wrong with all the choices they have said above this posting

but what ever you decide I'M sure it will work just fine for you and your game

900 Global / AMF have put a ton of great equipment out there for us to enjoy and to throw to help us not only improve our avg's & scores but to achieve becoming a better bowler. if your to ask me id say as long as you have 1 of these balls in your hand when your bowling you'll be just fine, I'm sure theres a chance you'll even raise your avg some. I know there equipment has improved my game a lot over the last 5+ years and theres no turning back

. Thank Again 900GLOBAL, Keep coming out with GREAT EQUIPMENT that keeps turning heads when they see them going down the lanes!!! IM sure there will be a few more heads turning at Nationals this year as well