win a ball from

Author Topic: Maniac  (Read 2848 times)


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« on: November 27, 2008, 04:30:32 AM »
With my bag full of 900 gear, I wasn't sure if I needed to drill this ball. I spoke with Eric to find out what I should expect to get out of this ball and he said the intention was for it to fit between the Break and the Creature line. So I punched one up, 55 x 4 x 30 with an angled weight hole towards the center grip (1/2") in the P2 position. For reference, PAP is 5 1/4, 1/2up.

Straight off the press to middle road for 3 games of post bowl. With the stated S50 cover and the new core, I assumed this would get down the lane rev up at the break point and have a strong finish. After the first three shots, I proceed to take the cover up to 4000 and polish. This ball OBB is a monster that needed taming. After I changed the surface, the ball cleared the heads better and just unleashed on the back end. By no means was I out of the woods though as my target needed to be the 6 pin. I shot fairly decent with a 680 series on a pattern designed for deep play with a pearlized ball. After that, I hit a local tourney where oil is king and out of bounds is 12 to the channel. Normally, I use the S75 or the Bounty up 8 and just let the cover bring it back, but a new toy needs playtime. Took the cover down to 2000, no polish and there it was 20 to 10, left turn.

Bottom line is this, most ball I've ever seen at this price, extremely versitle and packs one hell of a punch. Not one time did I feel the need to put it in the bag. This is a tournament ball, a sport pattern ball for sure.
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