The fella Ryan traded with to obtain his Awakening, rolled his own Awakening for the first time last evening. His ball is pin up, close to (4x3-3/8) and it was VERY impressive. His specs are similar to Ryan's. The ball provides great length with nice mid lane read, strong continuous backend, and excellent carry. Definitely a smooth ball.
Our house pattern has changed quite a few times and now is what I would consider a lower volume 40' wall. There is a ton of friction outside 10 which in recent weeks has rendered both my Break and Break pearl useless as the night progresses. The volume is low so the track area burns up rather quickly. My rev rate is lower, probably close to A_P_K's. I purchased the Link S30 and rolled it last night with Scott. Unless I hit my Break Pearl with some Snake Oil (not sure if that will do the trick or not), I will likely need something to fill the void between the Break Pearl and Link. Awakening or Creature Pearl are the two balls I'm considering next.
I like to play straighter which often finds me in the track area of the general populus. My pin over the bridge (5.5") Break Pearl is one of my favorite looks. May go with something similar on the Awakening but I'm really not quite sure. My Link S30 is also pin over bridge so having all 3 drilled the same may not be a bad thing.
Sorry to rant...hope you enjoy the ball. Thanks for posting A_P_K, you're Awakening review has me strongly considering it as my next purchase.
Scott Siegel
http://rc-driver@comcast.net on 12/10/2008 5:44 PM
Edited on 12/10/2008 5:45 PM