Mark Roth was and is a one of a kind individual and the style of bowling has changed over the last few decades but his style is still being used by many bowlers rather it be just for fun or in league play and on tour, I guess that says HIS style still works in todays game

... I could go on and on about what Mark Roth has done over his career but will do that another time.. Lets talk about the ball he had named after him because theres no other ball quite like this ball at the present time in 900 Globals line which they might want to think about coming out with a nother just like it... the specs are as followed- S-50 cover (which has never been Done again in 900 globals line ) The RG is - 2.484 ( only the Day break had the same RG #s ) The Diff is - 0.040 which has been used in the Grip/it Maverick bullet train and Break Point (all great balls as well ) I started with my Mark Roth ball ( standing 28 playing 12 at the arrows at 18.4-18.7MPH ) and shot 259 the 1st game leaving a 2 pin ( light hit in 6th frame 19.3MPH ) left a solid 9 pin in the 8th then off the sheet kept throwing the ball for the 2nd game and went 279 with a solid 9 pin in the 3rd frame. I made very little ajustments up to this point for the 1st 2 games but I could tell the lanes was starting to break down a little after the 2nd frame in the 3rd game so I switched to my Respect and played pretty much the same line I was playing with my Mark Roth ball ( just picked up my ball speed to 19.4-19.7MPH throwing the same line as I was with my Mark Roth ball ) threw the next 4 strikes before I left my 1st 10 pin of the night( messenger went just in front of the 10 pin and wrapped around it

) shot the spare then barried the 8th frame and left my 3rd 9 pin, said a bad word Not out loud though(LOL) then did the math and figured I needed the next 3 strikes to get to 800 still picked that up and then threw the 9th 10th and 11th frame for strikes( knew then I had the 800 set wrapped up ) came up a touch high on the last ball ( lack of speed on my part ) left a 4 7 9 split threw 30 strikes for the night and had 5 single pin spares conversions as well. I wish 900 Global would come out with a nother ball Like the Mark Roth ball sometime in the very near future, Not to many was able to get a chance to even throw this Great ball because there was a limited amount made back in Jan of 2010 as a tribue towards Mark Roth and the proseeds went towards the Mark Roth foundation when he had a stroke back in 2009

Thanks again Mark Roth on continuing your legacy and 900 Global on designing a ball and putting your name on it.. (not to many Hall of fame bowlers have had a ball named after them) still another great ball that hasnt been forgotten and needs much more credit then what its had over the last 5 years... 2 thumbs up for me on the hall of fame Bowler Mark Roth and the ball named after him...
So 900 GLOBAL when you guys design the 2nd version of this Mark Roth Ball Make the colors POP and call it "Crank it up" that way we can continue the legacy of Mark Roth for many more years to come

also Congrtats to Mark Roth for all HE have done for the sport and everyone he's help through out his career.... "THANKS"