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Author Topic: Moxie vs Dream On vs Radical Guru  (Read 2219 times)


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Moxie vs Dream On vs Radical Guru
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:27:19 AM »
Hello folks, a newbie here to the board and I need some real insight on my next heavy oil house/tournament ball. I am a real fan of 900 Global products but I'm not so brand loyal that I disregard good stuff from the competition. With that being said I was looking at the Moxie as my next purchase but after reading some of the reviews it appears to be an all or nothing type of piece. Plus there is not much real world feed back on this one. The Dream on looks much more versatile but my not be enough ball for me. I am a low track medium rev player. I have had some real good feed back on the Guru and most people I have encountered tell me it's the strongest ball out there and the best part is that it reads the mid lane real good and still stores a ton of energy up the back. Sorry to be posting this on the 900 Global forum but in my area there just aren't that many people that through Global stuff. Real world opinions only please and not hypothetical theories or staffers promoting either ball.



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Re: Moxie vs Dream On vs Radical Guru
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2014, 01:01:03 PM »
I think the guru would be the strongest of the 3. But i also think it would likely be the least versatile. The dream on looks really strong in the backend. I only have the Dream but it's a really strong pearl even polished. I don't see how the Dream on would'nt be enough ball unless you're on soup. The Moxie is real big and doesnt quit. I think it would likely be as early as the guru but smoother/more continuous. I think being symmetrical the moxie would be the most versatile of the 3. Also i think the Moxie OOB is similar to the Nano and the other 500/4000 storm poured balls. It's likely closer to 500 than 4000 on a surface scanner. That being said it's likely been hit or miss for so many people due to that surface.....i haven't thrown a Dream on or guru so I'm merely speculating based off numbers/videos and what i would expect to see...
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 01:04:01 PM by tdub36tjt »


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Re: Moxie vs Dream On vs Radical Guru
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2014, 01:14:33 PM »
I think that I would have to almost completely agree with tdub.  I think that looking at the three you could go with either one it will just depend on the shape that you want to see on the lanes.
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