I had the same moving deep issue as many do at first. Susie Minshew had me playing 3rd and 4th arrow in one lesson. For me it was a simple matter of the visual and misconception on lining up to roll the shot. First thing for me was it is square to the line you want to play, not the foul line. Ofter misunderstood. The second was her technique of drawing straight lines from the shoulder, through the target to one of the pins. For example, might be standing on 30 so I might draw a mental picture of ball crossing the 3rd arrow and if it were to never hook hitting the face of the 10 pin or if backends aren't that strong might be the 6 pin. Walk straight, roll the ball along that target line and it will hook when it gets to the break point. Adjust so that bring the ball flush in the pocket. All about that mental image. In one hour she had me playing where I had never been before or not with any accuracy. Since that day I live to play inside.