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Author Topic: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)  (Read 12166 times)

Impending Doom

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My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« on: November 20, 2018, 11:46:47 AM »
Hi friends!

I wanted to share with you how my lineup is going to look coming up here soon, give you some reasons why I've chosen what I've chosen and take any questions you may have.

Drum roll please....

From top to bottom

Sumo SE @ 2000, 4*20
Dream On remake @ 2000, 50*5*65
Dream On original @ 4000, 60*5*40
Covert Ops OOB, 50*5*65
Honey Badger Claw OOB, 50*5*65
Honey Badger OOB, 60*5*40
X2 OOB, 4*20
Boost Hybrid OOB, 5*65
Shadow Ops OOB, 45*4*30
After Dark Pearl OOB, 5*65

So, top end of the bag. Why no Continuum or Eon? I usually see very limited use out of big shells. I'd rather sand something that's faster response than use something that may not see the lane how I want to see it.

Covert and no Tactical? For me, I have a preconceived notion on how a Break core should roll and what I like to see out of it. The Covert fits that to a T.

Honey Badger is a no brainier, and the Claw looks like a Hyroad Nano, only better.

X2 because I love my X. It's an absolute tank.

Didn't like how squirrelly my pearl Boost was, no matter the surface.

Shadow Ops, because urethane Break.

After Dark Pearl because I loved my Link and want another motion like it. :)

What does your Global bag look like?



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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2018, 10:25:08 AM »
The After Darks are so underrated. Seeing a good amount of After Dark Pearls in college bowling for the burn. Definitely thinking about picking one up, but that might have to wait behind a Black Ops.
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Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2018, 12:03:29 PM »


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2018, 01:03:48 PM »
 Doom reads a lot, and has seen me post about my lamentations of equipment just being way too strong for me on the conditions I see around here and what I like to do, and has repeatedly tried to get me into something “ weaker”.  He recommended a Shadow Ops.

 Not usually getting along with decent strength asymmetrical cores, I kept putting it off.

 Finally gave in and got my hands on one. First set was 224-234-245-703.   ??? ::)

  Used to use lots of A.M.F. stuff, but never 900G, and hardly ever anything asymm, but already have my order in for a second one of these to go into storage for a backup, just in case. Haven’t had very many balls that made me want a second one enough to buy one, but this one is special, and fits a niche nothing else does for me.

 Thanks Doom.
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2018, 02:29:14 PM »
Juggs, I am over the moon that you love the Shadow. Break core with a smooth reacting cover screams what you were looking for.

See, I have extolled the virtures of my company because I'm not just a person who happened into a contract. I'm a person who is privileged to be affiliated with the company I believe in. You need a ball reaction, I can put you in something of ours. If I can't, I'll admit it.

Thanks for taking a chance on 900 Global, Juggs. Here's to hoping you try some more.

(For heavier volumes, Truth Tour.)

Uncle Meat PT 2

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2018, 12:36:43 PM »
Older stuff, but still effective
Original Inception

However looking into scoring the Continuum and the Respect.
I bowl once a week down from three, and I don't bowl as many tournaments as I used to.
Uncle Meat says: Maka da way fo da Iron Schaischige (spoken in fluent Jersey Italian)

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2018, 03:21:09 PM »
Older stuff, but still effective
Original Inception

However looking into scoring the Continuum and the Respect.
I bowl once a week down from three, and I don't bowl as many tournaments as I used to.

Network is great! I loved mine!


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2018, 09:59:30 AM »
I love this post! It's inspired me to spell out my Global pieces. And I'll redact non-Global pieces for the security of all involved =D ;-)

  • S*r* L*ck - 50 x 5.5 x 30 (mega flare layout; puts the pin kind of above my middle finger)
  • Truth Tour #1 - 45 x 5 x 75 (smoother and earlier layout; puts the pin under my bridge, about halfway between my midline and grips)
  • N* R*l*s P**rl - 40 x 3.5 x 75 (same as above, with pin under ring)
  • Eon - 40 x 5 x 75 (similar to first TT, but pin is a smidge closer to fingers)
  • Truth Tour #2 - 60 x 5 x 30 (my favorite layout - puts the pin right above my bridge and the MB close to my thumb)
  • Inception Pearl - 60 x 5 x 30
  • M*tch S*l*d - 45 x 5 x 75
  • X2 - 60 x 5 x 30 (noticing a pattern yet? lol)
  • Bubblegum Boost - 50 x 5 x 40 (probably dumping this for an After Dark Pearl soon - the ball doesn't quite do what I was hoping)
  • After Dark Solid - RICO - comes out to like 45 x 5.25 x 115 (awesome reaction for shorter patterns and beat up patterns with some head oil left)

I have two gaps that I'll be filling before Nationals. One is an asym that fits between my Sure Lock and my Inception Pearl that I can put a pin-up layout on. I haven't seen anything that jumps out at me yet - closest has been the DCT Pearl, but that cover seems too strong for what I'm looking for.

The other is a symmetric pearl with a larger core. That might become another Eon for me, since that ball is really good for my style. I like how strong the cover is - makes it a very playable piece on sport patterns.

What do you think. Mr. Doom?
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2018, 10:10:53 AM »
Well, first off, between the Sure Lock and IP, which kind of motion are you looking for? If the DCT Pearl looks too strong (which for a pearl ball, it is very strong and not super responsive off the friction), you COULD do a Dream On with a ton of shine. Even at 4000, I've never had a problem with it getting around the corner from almost anywhere. One of the fastest responses I keep in the bag (Original Dream was just too much for me lol)

Now, for the symmetrical ball, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Sumo SE. Great core, S80 solid, but oob is 1500 polished (ugh). I keep mine at 2000 because I like how much it flares and controls the side to side for me, but you put your Eon drill on it and keep it shiny, I think you'll like it even more than your Eon. Don't count out the AMF entries.

Hope that helps!


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2018, 01:01:05 PM »
Both my SL and IP give me a very nice roll. The SL is a bit smoother off the spot, and a bit less continuous than the IP. The IP is one of the most fun balls I've ever owned - it can turn the corner from anywhere and it shreds racks like I know what I'm doing.

The difference between them is gigantic - literally 7 or 8 boards on the same pattern. I love the shape of pin up asyms, and would love one that's smack in the middle. The SL can handle all the oil down to medium oil; the IP can handle medium oil to no oil. I'm jonesing for a piece that can handle med-heavy oil to med-light oil, that's fairly responsive to friction.

My hesitation for the Dream On (and Continuum for that matter) is my history with hybrid covers has been pretty bad. I have a lot of axis tilt (~20*) and axis rotation (~65*), and I swear it makes hybrids wiggle or roll out, and I hate it!

Thanks for the help, Doom.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2018, 01:01:20 PM »
Well while we're doing Doom's corner lol I had a question. I'm a slower speed bowler not super old 44 but just blessed I guess and I'm thinking of trying out global. I generally prefer weaker balls.

My current bag is a Radical Ridiculous at box finish and a Quantum Black that I've added some surface too and polished. The ridiculous tends to be unresponsive in any oil at all but useable. The Quantum was too much for me OOB but has responded to some use and the surface change.

What would be a good ball for me either ball could be replaced at this point but replacing the quantum which is usually my first out of the bag would be primary. 

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2018, 01:49:47 PM »
Both my SL and IP give me a very nice roll. The SL is a bit smoother off the spot, and a bit less continuous than the IP. The IP is one of the most fun balls I've ever owned - it can turn the corner from anywhere and it shreds racks like I know what I'm doing.

The difference between them is gigantic - literally 7 or 8 boards on the same pattern. I love the shape of pin up asyms, and would love one that's smack in the middle. The SL can handle all the oil down to medium oil; the IP can handle medium oil to no oil. I'm jonesing for a piece that can handle med-heavy oil to med-light oil, that's fairly responsive to friction.

My hesitation for the Dream On (and Continuum for that matter) is my history with hybrid covers has been pretty bad. I have a lot of axis tilt (~20*) and axis rotation (~65*), and I swear it makes hybrids wiggle or roll out, and I hate it!

Thanks for the help, Doom.

Well, with the Continuum, you have to know that the ball is going to be super forward off the friction because of the super high intermediate diff and strong cover. Not a ball you can go super left to right with, IMO.

Now, if you wanna shy away from the On, but you want a stronger ball than the IP, I can't say we have something that fits there exactly. Tactical would be less than the IP, and even though the HB is super sneaky strong, it's not enough. That spot is very niche. If they put a pearl cover on the Continuum core, that MIGHT be what you're looking for, but I'm worried that the intermediate diff will still be too high

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2018, 01:57:00 PM »
Well while we're doing Doom's corner lol I had a question. I'm a slower speed bowler not super old 44 but just blessed I guess and I'm thinking of trying out global. I generally prefer weaker balls.

My current bag is a Radical Ridiculous at box finish and a Quantum Black that I've added some surface too and polished. The ridiculous tends to be unresponsive in any oil at all but useable. The Quantum was too much for me OOB but has responded to some use and the surface change.

What would be a good ball for me either ball could be replaced at this point but replacing the quantum which is usually my first out of the bag would be primary. 

Ok, let me research some Brunswick stuff here...

Which Ridiculous? There's like 4 lol.

As far as the Black Quantum, get a Claw. If you're looking for the ball motion you were trying to get from the Radical ball, go HB.

I'm telling everyone right here, you will see some killer things out of the Claw, and I put my stamp of approval on it.

Also, I'm 41. We're spring chickens, SIR!!


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2018, 02:20:53 PM »
Both my SL and IP give me a very nice roll. The SL is a bit smoother off the spot, and a bit less continuous than the IP. The IP is one of the most fun balls I've ever owned - it can turn the corner from anywhere and it shreds racks like I know what I'm doing.

The difference between them is gigantic - literally 7 or 8 boards on the same pattern. I love the shape of pin up asyms, and would love one that's smack in the middle. The SL can handle all the oil down to medium oil; the IP can handle medium oil to no oil. I'm jonesing for a piece that can handle med-heavy oil to med-light oil, that's fairly responsive to friction.

My hesitation for the Dream On (and Continuum for that matter) is my history with hybrid covers has been pretty bad. I have a lot of axis tilt (~20*) and axis rotation (~65*), and I swear it makes hybrids wiggle or roll out, and I hate it!

Thanks for the help, Doom.

Well, with the Continuum, you have to know that the ball is going to be super forward off the friction because of the super high intermediate diff and strong cover. Not a ball you can go super left to right with, IMO.

Now, if you wanna shy away from the On, but you want a stronger ball than the IP, I can't say we have something that fits there exactly. Tactical would be less than the IP, and even though the HB is super sneaky strong, it's not enough. That spot is very niche. If they put a pearl cover on the Continuum core, that MIGHT be what you're looking for, but I'm worried that the intermediate diff will still be too high

Yeah, it's a super niche spot. Unfortunately for me, I fight this thing often. My tilt/rotation, and being speed dominant, exaggerate differences in gear.

What about a Black Ops or a Covert Ops? They're a lower number cover than the IP, but solids vs. a pearl.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

Impending Doom

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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2018, 02:49:24 PM »
Both my SL and IP give me a very nice roll. The SL is a bit smoother off the spot, and a bit less continuous than the IP. The IP is one of the most fun balls I've ever owned - it can turn the corner from anywhere and it shreds racks like I know what I'm doing.

The difference between them is gigantic - literally 7 or 8 boards on the same pattern. I love the shape of pin up asyms, and would love one that's smack in the middle. The SL can handle all the oil down to medium oil; the IP can handle medium oil to no oil. I'm jonesing for a piece that can handle med-heavy oil to med-light oil, that's fairly responsive to friction.

My hesitation for the Dream On (and Continuum for that matter) is my history with hybrid covers has been pretty bad. I have a lot of axis tilt (~20*) and axis rotation (~65*), and I swear it makes hybrids wiggle or roll out, and I hate it!

Thanks for the help, Doom.

Well, with the Continuum, you have to know that the ball is going to be super forward off the friction because of the super high intermediate diff and strong cover. Not a ball you can go super left to right with, IMO.

Now, if you wanna shy away from the On, but you want a stronger ball than the IP, I can't say we have something that fits there exactly. Tactical would be less than the IP, and even though the HB is super sneaky strong, it's not enough. That spot is very niche. If they put a pearl cover on the Continuum core, that MIGHT be what you're looking for, but I'm worried that the intermediate diff will still be too high

Yeah, it's a super niche spot. Unfortunately for me, I fight this thing often. My tilt/rotation, and being speed dominant, exaggerate differences in gear.

What about a Black Ops or a Covert Ops? They're a lower number cover than the IP, but solids vs. a pearl.

If you're speed dominant, go Covert, pin down. I personally don't like Break core balls pin up because they're too torquey for me, but I really like 50*5*65 on the Ops, Shadow excluded.


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Re: My Global bag (well, more than one bag)
« Reply #30 on: November 27, 2018, 03:01:58 PM »
Thanks for the help, Doom. I'll definitely investigate!
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."