Bowlingman really?. YOU think the Sure Thing out hooks almost every ball 900GLOBAL has brought out? WOW IM shocked to even read that
I guess it hooks a ton for you then but not everyone hooks this ball as much as you by the looks of it. I have yet to see it out hook many of the other balls 900 has put out in almost the last 7 years they have been making balls
starting back in 9-4 of 07 with the Creature and 3-3-08 with the creature Pearl and the 72 other balls they have released in the U.S and over seas ( all great balls to throw still today
) I think the Sure Thing is an OK ball (it's just nothing I write home to Grandma about or be running out right now to get another 1 when I have so many other balls to pick from in the 900 Global's arsenal, older or newer balls ). I just don't see it happening!! kudos to you then for making this 1 of the strongest hooking balls you've thrown in the 900 global line
theres just way to many stronger balls in the past or present to list, Ill even say the Mark Roth ball is 1 of them ( he has been missed by many )
Keep it up 900Global