Been bowling a long time...never had a 900 global ball...The Honey Badger has my interest BUT 900 has thin shells on their balls and I'm Leary of that. Thin shell means less longevity? Are Global 900 balls balls dying out quick? For whatever reason Storm balls die fast on me and I clean my stuff after every game.
Thanks for the input..
Zero relationship between the thinness/thickness of the coverstock's shell and the ball's longevity.
Longevity is more closely related, in general, to both the degree to which you remove the oil regularly& quickly AND the degree to which you maintain the surface roughness/smoothness, than to any other singular factor.
Perception rules.
you can maintain the surface but that doesn't guarantee the balls longevity and balls absorb oil faster than your turn on the lanes. Heres where I differ, the more pores the faster and more oil is absorbed by the cover. Would a thinner shell not relate to the pores being clogged quicker?
Please don't twist my words. I never said or implied that a maintained surface will guarantee a ball's longevity.
Let me try to be more precise, if I must:
If you clean the ball regularly, as soon as possible, with as good a cleaner as possible, after using a ball AND if you maintain the surface, as often and as properly as possible, keeping as close to your optimum surface, as possible, then your ball will stand as good a chance, as possible, of having a consistent ball reaction for as long as is possible, given you haven't gotten a bum coverstock, to start with.
One of the thinnest series of shells was the 900Global coverstocks that used Phil Cardinale's invention, the Soaker chemical added to the 900G coverstocks. Many were as thin as 3/8" and they lasted a good 200 games before they needed an oil extraction. So, no, thinness doesn't necessarily lead to more rapid oil clogging, as far as I am concerned.
If that were rtue then ball with no filler would last a lot longer than those with and that has not proven to be the case. Some coverstocks just absorb oil less quickly than others.