Sounds like a solid business decision to me. The Break was 900 Global''s first release and many didn''t try it. It was also a solid black ball which has limited shelf appeal. (I personally love black balls bouncing on my chin...wait a minute...that didn''t come out quite right. )couldn't agree more with the above statement well not the bottom half.LOL--------------------THB
quote: It looks like a re-release of the original Break
quote:quote:Sounds like a solid business decision to me. The Break was 900 Global's first release and many didn''t try it. It was also a solid black ball which has limited shelf appeal. (I personally love black balls bouncing on my chin...wait a minute...that didn''t come out quite right.) couldn't agree more with the above statement, but i prefer black balls bouncing on my bottom half. LOL--------------------THB
quote:Sounds like a solid business decision to me. The Break was 900 Global's first release and many didn''t try it. It was also a solid black ball which has limited shelf appeal. (I personally love black balls bouncing on my chin...wait a minute...that didn''t come out quite right.)
quote:Kyle I was told a few years ago, black, blue, and red seemed to add friction based off of chemical make ups of the color with the resins of the veneer, where white, green, yellow, orange had less effect or none. The source came from one of the major ball manufactures. Whether it is true or not is another question, I believe he said black and blue were the major colors showing a difference.--------------------SteveLeading Edge Pro Shopsteve@leadingedgeproshop.net512-755-2947 I don't know how much it effects balls today. But back in the "old" days it coulsd make a major difference. The purple angle and black u dot were the same ball just different color and the purple angle was much longer. Same story with the red edge and UC2 with the uc2 going several feet longer
quote:Sure looks better in-person than on the web,..mine is a baby-blue and dark-blue swirl,silver writting,...really sharp. Road test Saturday, report back Sat night..jime--------------------Jim Ensminger www.900global.comThere's FIRST, then everyone else.