Thanks for the info, Mr. Doom.
For the original Inception & Redux, I expected an arc-y shape and both pieces go much longer than I thought.
I drilled the original Inception something like 45* x 4 x 65* with a P3 hole. This put the pin at about 5pm from my ring finger, and the PSA pretty close to my VAL. I've used this layout a few times on pieces, and my expectation was a rolly piece for when the heads were fresh and overall heavier volumes. What I got was a piece that didn't do squat in the fronts and saved a ton of energy for the back. But when it flipped, forget it. It either saw it and ripped the rack or it saw it too quick and burned up its energy. It was over/under, even with surface (fresh 1000 pad).
Unfortunately, the entire bridge caved in on the Inception and my driller replaced it with a Redux. I drilled this one to flare more - 50* x 5.25 x 65*. This puts the pin at about 4pm from my middle finger, and closer to the mid-line than my original Inception, and the PSA pretty much in the middle of my thumb & VAL. There's no hole in it (yet). This is a new layout for me, so I had no expectations of the shape. My thought here was, "Stronger cover, but hybrid rather than solid. Also, it has a core that'll want to push a bit further. Let's make it flare more and smooth out the shape." What I got was a ball that seems to flare maybe 4 inches total. It's less snappy than the original Inception, and much more continuation when it decides to flip. The ball loves playing straighter - it's an absolute beast playing straighter. But if I have to move in - I switch to literally anything else. I can play in with this ball when there's some head oil and VERY dry boards at the breakpoint. I'm going to put a hole in it in hopes of making it flare a more and round out the shape.