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Author Topic: Ball lineup question.  (Read 1399 times)

Impending Doom

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Ball lineup question.
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:20:16 AM »
Just getting back into competitive bowling after taking 2 years off. I ordered some stuff from Tekneek, and it all works well, but now I am looking at the holes. Here is my arsenal as it sits, in my opinion of weakest to strongest, in terms of oil handling capability. 
Hype Urethane
Big Heist
Clutch Pearl
Break S75
I am looking for something between the Link and Hype, or something to replace the Link. The cover gets the ball down the lane sweet, but when it comes off the spot, it comes off it hard. I was thinking that maybe a Hook drilled weak (5x5.5) would smooth out the wet dry that I am running into.
Also looking to replace the S75, and looking at the OMG pearl, it would probably exhibit the same move that my S75 does, just with better lope through the fronts.
For heavier oil (tournaments and sport shots), I was trying to decide between the Bank Roll and OMG Solid. Never threw a Shred it, and I do like how the Bank rolls, so I can't compare weight blocks. 
The Hype Urethane, Clutch and Clutch Pearl are all controlled on the back, and the Bank and the Big Heist are not. Pretty break neck once they come off the spot.
Any suggestions? Bank Roll vs OMG? OMG Pearl vs Nuts?  

The sky is falling
The end is near
The final warning
The sun disappears. 



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Re: Ball lineup question.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 11:06:53 AM »
Either the Missing Link or the Hook would fill that spot. The Missing Link for me is much flippier on the back than either the original link or the Hooks. For me at least the Red/yellow is much smoother than the purple/orange do to it being a solid cover. That being said however it is a couple of feet sooner than the pearl. The Blue sanded for me is about 5 and - stronger than the other 2. I hopr this helped

Castaway's Bowlers Pro Shop
Calumet City,Il. 60409
(708) 862-1602
Arsenal:  OMG,Aftermath,Bank Pearl,Raw Profit ,Shred-it x3,Sideways x2,Profit x2,Slant solid & pearl Clutch Pearl,Double Clutch Pearl,Heist Pearl,Hype urethane,Hook (all 3 colors),Missing Links solid &Pearl, Desperado,Mars, Grenade Pearl,Golden Globe
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift