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Author Topic: OK. Weird.  (Read 3278 times)


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OK. Weird.
« on: March 16, 2019, 09:35:54 PM »
Went to my local pro shop about 2 balls that I've been checking on lately. Have communicated with "Doom" about the 900 Global  "Black Ops" and quite interested in the "Idol Pearl" as well. Can buy @ Buddies online, Black Ops @ $109.99 and Idol Pearl @129.99. Pro Shop want's same price, $169.99 drilled for both balls. Very weird say's I.  :o Will be going with the online price of $109.99 free shipping for the Black Ops since the PSO price for drilling is $40 either which way I go. This is per the Bowling alley Manager and NOT the PSO. Not sure of the reasoning here., but whatever. :o $20 bucks is $20 bucks.  ::)


Impending Doom

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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2019, 10:39:53 PM »


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2019, 11:47:15 PM »
 Not really too weird.

 A lot depends on the price their distributor is charging them for the balls, and different places charge different prices.

 Just like buying gas. One station has it for $2.95 a gallon, while the staton down the street is $3.05, but may have been delivered by the same truck, so it’s actually the same gas, just different prices.

 People with lots of volume can get better prices. You get lots of deal prices at buddies pro shop because they probably get good deals/better deals from their distributors.
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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2019, 11:33:57 AM »
I take a different view!  Always like to keep great relationships with your local proshop.

The words, "I would love to do business with you locally"  are music to his ears.
Let him know you realize all the other things you can do for him and you realize all he can do for you.  Profitable refinishes, insert changes, OIl removal purchases, etc., referrals for his fast high quality work.  It is funny all the deals one get on all those things once you reach an agreement on profitable fair price with your local rent paying pro shop.

I never pay list locally, but he gets a constant cash flow of business from me at profitable but reduced prices for me!

$20 on two balls is Nothing I would even blink at not paying! 


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2019, 12:47:58 PM »
Ideally your PSO will also serve as a reality check, when you really want Ball A but he knows it's going to suck for your style on these lane conditions and your scores would be better with Ball B or C. Unfortunately if he doesn't carry Brand X he wouldn't necessarily know that, even if he can order them wholesale.

I'm also old school like that, wanting to actually go to the PSO and say "Order me this ball and drill it to do that". Unfortunately that means I miss out on a certain brand that's putting out all sorts of interesting stuff lately.  :(
The Future of Bowling: Bowling is a once-popular tavern game played with a heavy ball and ten pins.


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2019, 08:17:22 AM »
I take a different view!  Always like to keep great relationships with your local proshop.

The words, "I would love to do business with you locally"  are music to his ears.
Let him know you realize all the other things you can do for him and you realize all he can do for you.  Profitable refinishes, insert changes, OIl removal purchases, etc., referrals for his fast high quality work.  It is funny all the deals one get on all those things once you reach an agreement on profitable fair price with your local rent paying pro shop.

I never pay list locally, but he gets a constant cash flow of business from me at profitable but reduced prices for me!

$20 on two balls is Nothing I would even blink at not paying! 



Yeah. Over time my balls are now cheaper than online. He also revs up his spinner for free, tweaks my inserts (my fingers expand or contract depending on how much I’ve been Bowling), keep balls for weeks as a time for me, and so on. Even the overseas stuff (just drilled a halo burn I saw in the shop).

I always buy local if I can. $20 is really not worth the effort of buying online- plus those dirty looks you get if you drill a ball he has in shop is really not pleasant lol.


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2019, 04:06:18 PM »
I take a different view!  Always like to keep great relationships with your local proshop.

The words, "I would love to do business with you locally"  are music to his ears.
Let him know you realize all the other things you can do for him and you realize all he can do for you.  Profitable refinishes, insert changes, OIl removal purchases, etc., referrals for his fast high quality work.  It is funny all the deals one get on all those things once you reach an agreement on profitable fair price with your local rent paying pro shop.

I never pay list locally, but he gets a constant cash flow of business from me at profitable but reduced prices for me!

$20 on two balls is Nothing I would even blink at not paying! 



Yeah. Over time my balls are now cheaper than online. He also revs up his spinner for free, tweaks my inserts (my fingers expand or contract depending on how much I’ve been Bowling), keep balls for weeks as a time for me, and so on. Even the overseas stuff (just drilled a halo burn I saw in the shop).

I always buy local if I can. $20 is really not worth the effort of buying online- plus those dirty looks you get if you drill a ball he has in shop is really not pleasant lol.

+1 to supporting the PSOs but glad mine are understanding about me getting balls off the internet.  Majority of ones I bring in are either not factory firsts or ones you can order any longer (or else already have holes in them) but I am an edge case.  Made a fair amount of money off me by not hassling me about it.  I don't recommend the internet route to just save $20 but PSO kind of limited in what they can get you compared to say ebay.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 08:24:25 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
Here today.  Gone tomorrow.


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2019, 12:37:01 AM »
I take a different view!  Always like to keep great relationships with your local proshop.

The words, "I would love to do business with you locally"  are music to his ears.
Let him know you realize all the other things you can do for him and you realize all he can do for you.  Profitable refinishes, insert changes, OIl removal purchases, etc., referrals for his fast high quality work.  It is funny all the deals one get on all those things once you reach an agreement on profitable fair price with your local rent paying pro shop.

I never pay list locally, but he gets a constant cash flow of business from me at profitable but reduced prices for me!

$20 on two balls is Nothing I would even blink at not paying! 



Yeah. Over time my balls are now cheaper than online. He also revs up his spinner for free, tweaks my inserts (my fingers expand or contract depending on how much I’ve been Bowling), keep balls for weeks as a time for me, and so on. Even the overseas stuff (just drilled a halo burn I saw in the shop).

I always buy local if I can. $20 is really not worth the effort of buying online- plus those dirty looks you get if you drill a ball he has in shop is really not pleasant lol.

+1 to supporting the PSOs but glad mine are understanding about me getting balls off the internet.  Majority of ones I bring in are either not factory firsts or ones you can order any longer (or else already have holes in them) but I am an edge case.  Made a fair amount of money off me by not hassling me about it.  I don't recommend the internet route to just save $20 but PSO kind of limited in what they can get you compared to say ebay.

Agreed. But that's why I mentioned 'drill a ball he has in shop'; if he doesn't, he himself actively suggests I go to eBay!


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Re: OK. Weird.
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2019, 09:55:35 AM »

You and I in sync!

I let my proshop operator know what price I can get it on the internet for and he counters with what he can sell it to me for with a comfortable profit.  Occasionally I buy the super cheap deals, and drill them myself.  However, I don't like chopping plug sanding polishing, I don't have time for that.

Then like you I get all sorts of discounted services to the once a year or two occasional buyer.  Similar list!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana