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Author Topic: Opinions on Bank  (Read 9921 times)

D Scott Johnson

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Opinions on Bank
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:10:45 AM »
I purchased a Bank from a fellow ball reviewer, plugged the thumb, redrilled and I have been using this for a couple of weeks now.  All the propaganda says that this ball is one of 900 Globals biggest hookers, yet, I am not seeing it.  Don't get me wrong, when I can go straight up the ball is very good.  I just am not seeing as much hook (especially on the back end) as I thought I would.  

Ball is drilled with the pin 5" from PAP, under the bridge with the mass bias kicked about 1 1/2" right of the thumb.  I am medium speed with medium/low revs.

I have used the ball on a slightly heavier shot, slightly drier shot, and wet/dry and basically I can play straight up 8-9-10 on them all and score decent.  I cannot, repeat, cannot give the ball room right and expect any hit or carry out of it.

Again, this isn't really a complaint, just not what I thought I was getting.  And, so, I was wondering what the experience others who throw this ball was.  Thanks.  Scott



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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 02:24:05 PM »
From front to back the ball hooks a the most in the 900 line, what you will not see is very aggressive or should I say angular move off the spot (which is what you said). When the condition is right i.e longer heavier patterns is when the Bank will excel.  Hope this information helps.


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 02:36:02 PM »
For me and my first 900 Global - I don't think it's all that much ball.
I had higher hopes.


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 03:49:27 PM »
One of the things i like best about the Bank is how smooth it is. When i want something angular on oil I throw my Aftermath
Arsenal: Mega Friction,Aftermath, Bank, Break Point,Break Point Pearl,Sideways x2,Profit, Clutch Pearl,Maniac x2,Lunatic x2,Heist Pearl,Link,Hype urethane,Epicenter, Desperado,Mars, Grenade Pearl,T-Zone
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 03:50:13 PM »
Mine is drilled pin up and I polished it by hand with Snake Oil.  It was hooking too much for my liking, but I don't really bowl on heavy oil. Now that it's polished, it rolls longer and has a very strong, continuous back end.
I know it sounds like I'm in denial, but I'm not.


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 04:19:19 PM »
My bank wasn't overly strong, but it was smooth. My similarly drilled favorite was just as smooth, but covered a lot more boards


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2010, 01:36:44 PM »
I have had mixed results but really believe I know why the bad problems occured. Have mine drilled pin above bridge, mass in strong position for me this is a 5 1/2" to 6" pin position from PAP.

I have had success with the Bank in two different tournaments. The first was a regional on Cheetah. Real surprise there unless you know that the lanes were a Chinese product and have weak outside line and takes something strong to hook from outside 5. Great reaction off the spot and carry was good. User error and not making changes quick enough biggest issues in this one.

Second tournament was on newer Brunswicks and hook again was strong. Too many corners and eratic ball speed letting the ball find the nose. If anything the Bank was too strong so had to switch to a weaker ball rather quick.

Bad reaction in on my home center Classic Men's league. Ball burns up and if you get to the pocket the carry is not what is should be. I use a Break Out the first game most of the time drilled shorter and polished at this center. I think the Bank is actually again too strong and burns up. My Bounty Hunter hooks even less their and it has an even stronger cover. Thus supporting the Bank being too much for these older Brunswick synthetics with the oil volume that is applied.

To me the motion is as described. When the lane conditions allow the ball to do its job the motion is really strong and ball sets up when it turns the corner with tons of power. When the pattern is too light and shot is not right, there are better choices but now days what else is new. Why so many carry half dozen balls just to league and even more to tournaments.


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2010, 02:51:07 PM »
its my last g900 im going to buy. ever.  had the bounty, terrible, break point, terrible.  at the trade show the rep sold me on the bank.  i sold it to my friend for $75 to recoop some of my losses. haha and i had the exact same issue as scott!

my arsenal..
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 06:15:34 AM »

I'm finding it difficult to agree with anything that has been said about the BANK in this thread.  I usually don't chime in but I feel the BANK is being unfairly judged.

Everyone on this thread has drilled this ball with 5"(plus) PIN to PAP drillings.  If you are drilling a ball to hook, why are you drilling the PIN so far away from the PAP?

Pin down layouts with longer Pin to PAP layouts will create smoother ball motion down lane.  Pin up layouts with longer Pin to PAP layouts will create more reaction down the lane but can give the an over/under reaction should the ball encounter friction too soon or too late.  

I read posts on here all the time.  I drill bowling balls for many different style of players and having punched 4 BANK's for other bowlers, none of them had adverse comments as they've gotten exactly what they wanted from this ball.  

I'm not saying what your experiencing isn't true, but I do believe the overall viewpoint of the BANK isn't understood when it seems that the layouts are not conducive to the reaction you're trying to create.

If you have questions about your BANK, please feel free to send me a private message and I'll be happy to help you try an figure out what the issue may be with your reaction.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it is taken as such, which is why I want to help anyone who hasn't given up hope.

I'll post a my review of this ball and hopefully that will give a better understanding of the BANK.  

Best of Luck Everyone,

Stephen Hahn - Owner

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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2010, 03:19:15 PM »
Since you bought it used..Have you put it in a revivor yet to see if it might be oil soaked?? Mine lost alot of hook after just 30 games or so but after a couple hours in the revivor it was back and hooking a lot...Other than that you might just be experiencing "hook out" which is very likely. Mass bias kicked 1.5" inches right doesn't tell anyone much without knowing your PAP. Do you have low rotation/tilt as well??


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2010, 03:44:34 PM »
How can an opinion be unfair?
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2010, 07:14:03 AM »

Please don''t take my post or this response the wrong way but when I see someone''s opinion (to which we''re all entitled) be presented in a way that perceives to discredit a bowling balls description I feel a need to speak up.

The factual information provided by the poster(s) is in concurrence with the reaction they are getting.  How do you expect to see a bowling balls ability to hook when the layout promotes length or a smooth backend?

In re-reading the posts, to touch on what Hoselrockets said, I think bowlers mistake or misinterpret what true Overall Hook means, and interpret a balls hook based on it motion on the Back-End versus what it''s doing from the Front, Middle, and Back parts of the lane.

Hope this clears things up and clarifies my post a little better.  Sorry if anyone took offense as it wasn''t my intention.

Stephen Hahn - Owner

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Edited on 12/9/2010 8:30 AM
Stephen Hahn
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2010, 07:54:13 AM »
(asymmetrical bowling balls) this still makes me wonder if Mo Pinel is right that the more you go toward 6 1/4" from the PAP the quicker the ball forward rolls. and anywhere from 6 1/4 to I think 2 3/4 causes high flare potential.

I wish there was a video that showed this. id like to see if thats the case.

I don't have anything else to add. just wondering if that could be a contributing factor?
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2010, 11:03:53 AM »
Try laying out the balls a little further from your PAP if you want to see some downlane motion. I dont know anything about your game but even if your co-ordinates was 6 over your break point is drilled to hook so soon.

its my last g900 im going to buy. ever.  had the bounty, terrible, break point, terrible.  at the trade show the rep sold me on the bank.  i sold it to my friend for $75 to recoop some of my losses. haha and i had the exact same issue as scott!

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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2010, 04:16:07 PM »
I have to agree with "I_Bowl4Money" with all this.

Had the Bank a while back:
Layout - 60 x 4" x 40
Just wanted to see what the ball could do, thought the ball was going to have a massive backend. But to my surprise the ball had a strong midland read and a smooth arc in the backend.

Drilled up a Bank for a customer:
Layout - 60 x 3 3/8" x 35
16 Mph speed, and about 375 RPM. The ball did the same thing I thought it would, the ball just has a strong midlane read and a smooth/strong arc in the back.

Another drill for customer:
Layout - 70 x 4 1/2" x 20
18 Mph speed, and about 450 RPM. Same thing again, and this was the exact layout he wanted me to put on the ball. And it did pretty much the same thing. Strong midland read, but didn't have the snap in the backend he and I was hoping for.

Still kind of new to this layout stuff, but that's my observations. I can post there PAP's as well if you  need them to compare
All of these observations were from the ball being thrown on Synthetic lanes, and shots ranging from the route 66, sunset strip, 2010 USBC championship pattern, and Earl Anthony, etc lol
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Track 916AT
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Storm 2Furious (Polished)
Storm Anarchy
Ebonite Mission 2.0
Brunswick Wild Ride
MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias