I purchased a Bank from a fellow ball reviewer, plugged the thumb, redrilled and I have been using this for a couple of weeks now. All the propaganda says that this ball is one of 900 Globals biggest hookers, yet, I am not seeing it. Don't get me wrong, when I can go straight up the ball is very good. I just am not seeing as much hook (especially on the back end) as I thought I would.
Ball is drilled with the pin 5" from PAP, under the bridge with the mass bias kicked about 1 1/2" right of the thumb. I am medium speed with medium/low revs.
I have used the ball on a slightly heavier shot, slightly drier shot, and wet/dry and basically I can play straight up 8-9-10 on them all and score decent. I cannot, repeat, cannot give the ball room right and expect any hit or carry out of it.
Again, this isn't really a complaint, just not what I thought I was getting. And, so, I was wondering what the experience others who throw this ball was. Thanks. Scott