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Author Topic: Opinions on Bank  (Read 10024 times)

D Scott Johnson

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Opinions on Bank
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:10:45 AM »
I purchased a Bank from a fellow ball reviewer, plugged the thumb, redrilled and I have been using this for a couple of weeks now.  All the propaganda says that this ball is one of 900 Globals biggest hookers, yet, I am not seeing it.  Don't get me wrong, when I can go straight up the ball is very good.  I just am not seeing as much hook (especially on the back end) as I thought I would.  

Ball is drilled with the pin 5" from PAP, under the bridge with the mass bias kicked about 1 1/2" right of the thumb.  I am medium speed with medium/low revs.

I have used the ball on a slightly heavier shot, slightly drier shot, and wet/dry and basically I can play straight up 8-9-10 on them all and score decent.  I cannot, repeat, cannot give the ball room right and expect any hit or carry out of it.

Again, this isn't really a complaint, just not what I thought I was getting.  And, so, I was wondering what the experience others who throw this ball was.  Thanks.  Scott



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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2010, 04:06:58 PM »
It is true if you don't have high rotation or tilt....I have low tilt low rotation.. And if I don't get around a ball with a 5" pin or more I can see it rolling forward.

(asymmetrical bowling balls) this still makes me wonder if Mo Pinel is right that the more you go toward 6 1/4" from the PAP the quicker the ball forward rolls. and anywhere from 6 1/4 to I think 2 3/4 causes high flare potential.

I wish there was a video that showed this. id like to see if thats the case.

I don't have anything else to add. just wondering if that could be a contributing factor?
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2010, 04:59:41 PM »
I think that people are not looking at what the ball is designed to do and trying to make it do what it wasn't designed to do. It can be difficult to make an earlier smoother ball flippy and a later flippier ball smooth. It goes against the nature of the ball. Now sometimes you can get a certain ball to do a certain thing, but if you want a ball to go longer and flip more then get one that has that nature built into it "plain and simple"!
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2010, 05:18:48 PM »
I purchased a Bank from a fellow ball reviewer, plugged the thumb, redrilled and I have been using this for a couple of weeks now.  All the propaganda says that this ball is one of 900 Globals biggest hookers, yet, I am not seeing it.  Don't get me wrong, when I can go straight up the ball is very good.  I just am not seeing as much hook (especially on the back end) as I thought I would.  

Ball is drilled with the pin 5" from PAP, under the bridge with the mass bias kicked about 1 1/2" right of the thumb.  I am medium speed with medium/low revs.

I have used the ball on a slightly heavier shot, slightly drier shot, and wet/dry and basically I can play straight up 8-9-10 on them all and score decent.  I cannot, repeat, cannot give the ball room right and expect any hit or carry out of it.

Again, this isn't really a complaint, just not what I thought I was getting.  And, so, I was wondering what the experience others who throw this ball was.  Thanks.  Scott


What do you mean the ball won't carry or hit on the backend? Is it not reading the midlane right when you feed it into the dry? Well, you and I have about the same pap measurement so with the drilling you described, it gives you a lower drilling angle making it rev up slightly sooner and the higher val angle making it transition slower so therefore that is why you are getting the reaction that you are getting. You have tilt in the 9-10 degree range making you a higher tracker based off your pap. For anyone with a higher track like ours, putting the pin down below fingers bleeds energy and axis rotation leading to a smooth backend. If we want to reverse that we have to put the pin either above and right of fingers or straight over from the fingers in a shorter distance to the pap therefore making the ball retain what axis tilt and rotation there is upon the release. This will cause the ball to store more energy for the backend.
Here is some info if you haven't look at the dual angle layout method yet.

But, like what I just stated, if the balls nature is rolling more and a continuous backend, then no matter how you drill it, it is not going to be more on the backend and even if you could, why not get a ball that is designed to be more on the backend then have the rolly more continuous ball for playing on fresh oil.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2010, 07:18:35 PM »
I have had 2 banks 1 pin up the other pin down . ! 4 x 45 pin up and the other was 3 and 3/8 x 45 pin down. they do the same thing . As long as there is oil I can carry while playing a straighter line. As the line breaks down I get tapped. I also cant move left to new track area because the ball wont recover. Throwing good shots ,but no carry is frustrating in itself,but when you cant adjust off the track and no other ball is strong enough to play in the line you had to abandon with the bank what do you do.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2010, 10:34:35 AM »
2 things.....One put a light coat of polish on one of the Banks and use it for when the other one is too much..2nd u can just change hand positions and stay more behind it to play straighter. Or move a couple left and circle the ball more. Between these one should work....I have no problem with the Bank not hooking when I move in though.

I have had 2 banks 1 pin up the other pin down . ! 4 x 45 pin up and the other was 3 and 3/8 x 45 pin down. they do the same thing . As long as there is oil I can carry while playing a straighter line. As the line breaks down I get tapped. I also cant move left to new track area because the ball wont recover. Throwing good shots ,but no carry is frustrating in itself,but when you cant adjust off the track and no other ball is strong enough to play in the line you had to abandon with the bank what do you do.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2010, 09:10:56 PM »
I too purchased a Bank from a fellow BR member. I also had high hopes and after 5 games, its up for sale.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2010, 03:20:24 AM »
Stop buying second hand brand new!!!! You wont be disappointed.

Mike James

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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2010, 04:55:54 AM »
What about polishing it up alot? would think once it smelled dry it would kick left


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2010, 06:59:55 AM »
Stop buying second hand brand new!!!! You wont be disappointed.

I agree with often to you buy a pair of used glasses and say shot I can't see with these stupid things!!  If that ball isnt' drilled for you it's a crap shot if it will roll well.  That would happen with a lot of balls on the market today.

D Scott Johnson

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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2010, 01:50:40 PM »
I agree with often to you buy a pair of used glasses and say shot I can't see with these stupid things!! If that ball isnt' drilled for you it's a crap shot if it will roll well. That would happen with a lot of balls on the market today.

I'm sorry but that is the stupidest analogy I think I may ever have heard.  Noone would buy used glasses unless they can get lens to fit at their RX.  Bowling balls can be plugged and redrilled to exact specifications.  I would agree if people are talking about trying to throw ill fitting equipment, but that wasn't the discussion I don't believe.

Why not buy used equipment?  I have done it for years and very rarely has one ever fit perfectly with some plug work.  But, with the proper work, it was just as good as a new one.  

Again, I don't hate the ball.  In fact, it is pretty good.  But, I certainly didn't get out of it what I expected nor did it hook as much as I expected.  And, from the tone of this thread, I am not alone in this observation.



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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2010, 02:14:31 PM »
Even though most will be arrogant enough to say they know the exact history of a second hand ball as they bought it from the buddys mothers son, any second hand ball will not roll no where near as good as a new ball espescially on high performance balls.

Most hook monsters for me are mid range after 50 or so games due to oil absorbtion and lots of surface changes for the desired reaction.

I'm happy buying second hand balls if i'm intending on using that ball only on a massive house shot. If you are complaining about reaction shape/ball motion on a house shot then you need to learn how to bowl


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2010, 03:35:10 PM »
I agree with often to you buy a pair of used glasses and say shot I can't see with these stupid things!! If that ball isnt' drilled for you it's a crap shot if it will roll well. That would happen with a lot of balls on the market today.

I'm sorry but that is the stupidest analogy I think I may ever have heard.  Noone would buy used glasses unless they can get lens to fit at their RX.  Bowling balls can be plugged and redrilled to exact specifications.  I would agree if people are talking about trying to throw ill fitting equipment, but that wasn't the discussion I don't believe.

Why not buy used equipment?  I have done it for years and very rarely has one ever fit perfectly with some plug work.  But, with the proper work, it was just as good as a new one.  

Again, I don't hate the ball.  In fact, it is pretty good.  But, I certainly didn't get out of it what I expected nor did it hook as much as I expected.  And, from the tone of this thread, I am not alone in this observation.


Scott I know my analogy was not even close because and that's how it was supose to read. It was just as silly as people expecting new ball performance for them while the ball was drilled for someone else. Good plug work will be ok but I would assume most of these just did a thumb change for span and changed grips to get the ball to fit and they would think if the pin is in a favorite spot they should be ok.  Now that is just an assumption but I'm sure it's very close to the truth.

If your having issues with getting this ball to hook maybe you should try a Cobra?


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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2010, 06:26:21 PM »
I guess I should be ashamed,but Im not,but i've purchased many used balls and have no compaints. the ball will either work for me or it wont. I have bought so many new balls that were only disapointments that I make it a point to find a used one to save on some of that cost and to minimalize my level of disapointment. My second hand 920 is in my bag andmy first hand mission,mutant cell are not.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2010, 07:00:39 PM »
I bought a used really nice looking bank off ebat and had it drilled for my thumb pitch and span.  pin above ring and cg out with a very small deep wt hole in p3 quadrant.  At 4000 abralon for me and my slow speed (14mph the ball was a monster.  I still couled hammer the hole with it playing deep inside on a THS but one mistake with speed and it was nose city.  I took it resurfaced at home with my ball spinner.  1000, then 2000, then 4000 siaair, then a mdeium coat of snake oil so it had a nice gloss sheen to it.  My Lord it was amazing on THS.  I had the world and the thing had eyes for the pocket.  granted shot was easy but carry for me has been not so good with lots of runing 10's and stone 8's and 9's.  Shot 745 last nite in league and I moved one board all nite, actually right as oil pushed some.  Read the midlane every single time perfect.  If it was a little in in oil it held but not floating and then turn on end with hard predictable arc and crushed pocket.  Only pocket leaves were 3 ten pins all nite long.  made two poor shots and spared them.  It does not flip or snap whatsoever.  Excellent midlane and hard arc.  Very continuous arc though.  Pins stayed really low and these pins in this house fly normally.  I absolutely love mine and thinking of another to keep duller for tougher shots.  I can only bet this baby would excel on heavy oil with surface.
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Re: Opinions on Bank
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2010, 07:25:19 PM »
I bought a used really nice looking bank off ebat and had it drilled for my thumb pitch and span.  pin above ring and cg out with a very small deep wt hole in p3 quadrant.  At 4000 abralon for me and my slow speed (14mph the ball was a monster.  I still couled hammer the hole with it playing deep inside on a THS but one mistake with speed and it was nose city.  I took it resurfaced at home with my ball spinner.  1000, then 2000, then 4000 siaair, then a mdeium coat of snake oil so it had a nice gloss sheen to it.  My Lord it was amazing on THS.  I had the world and the thing had eyes for the pocket.  granted shot was easy but carry for me has been not so good with lots of runing 10's and stone 8's and 9's.  Shot 745 last nite in league and I moved one board all nite, actually right as oil pushed some.  Read the midlane every single time perfect.  If it was a little in in oil it held but not floating and then turn on end with hard predictable arc and crushed pocket.  Only pocket leaves were 3 ten pins all nite long.  made two poor shots and spared them.  It does not flip or snap whatsoever.  Excellent midlane and hard arc.  Very continuous arc though.  Pins stayed really low and these pins in this house fly normally.  I absolutely love mine and thinking of another to keep duller for tougher shots.  I can only bet this baby would excel on heavy oil with surface.
"I'd quit this game if I thought anyone would give a damn!"

"If Fishing is a Sport, well then you're looking at an athlete!"

Glad to hear a good success story, by any chance do you know your axis point?  

On another note I really want to learn to fish for bass, I caught a couple this summer and what a rush.