Actually companies play a significant role in players success, first it takes the guess work out of equipment, they learn the line and know what changes to make and when. Try that with every companies options available on the truck. Secondly certain players styles, I have tons of experience with this, match up better if not perfectly with certain companies resins. An no they are not all the same, the characteristics of each resin base is totally different yet within the company they are basically the same. Thirdly the ability of the companies designers to match up core and cover, this is usually more forgiving on the house shot which most see, but on tour the mismatch if it exist is amplified.
Most important is confidence, player are comfortable with certain companies and have confidence in the line.
Steve Jaros and I have many years together, he is a great player and we together have had lots of success.
Don't sell the impact of the match up of player and company short.