I have been told the red is solid ant the black is pearl. that would make it a hybrid would it not?
Left handed, right handed, it is all bowling to me throw ball down lane knock over lots of pins,either way piece of cake.
i pulled this from another post i knew i read this before:
quote:Hot off the wires of the top-secret under ground bunker at 900 G,
"the Red/Black is still not a full solid but it’s the closest one to being a solid. The Red is solid and the black does have pearl in it. The other 3 balls have both color mixes pearlized. Again our goal wasn’t to make a different reaction with this one, but rather to add to our color selection."
Chas,..I love mine, I can''t tell much difference between my Blue and the Red/Blk except the Red is drilled to read a little earlier and arc..and it does.
Jim Ensminger
www.900global.comThere''s FIRST, then everything else.
Edited on 11/13/2009 12:40 PM