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Author Topic: Punched up a S-75  (Read 1432 times)


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Punched up a S-75
« on: April 23, 2009, 12:05:07 AM »

this has been a ball that I have wanted since first seeing it. But i screwed around wasting my time trying strom equipment. Dimension was good, but never really matched up great with it. Selling both Storms and decided to pick this bad boy up.

This is the strongest drill I have ever put on a strong oil ball. I think in the past i have always drilled my oil balls to weak, so I wouldn;t make them useless on anything less than buckets of oil. Well that doesn't work.

I went 4 1/2 x 4 1/2. I threw it next to my Requiem drilled weaker, and had more surface to it. The S-75 moved just as much, very very strong midlane whihc on my first throw, I was like this is going to be a 10 pin or very smooth at the end, haha man was i wrong, that thing turned over and flipped so hard it went brooklyn.

I will probably take this down to 500 abralon to be my main heavy oil ball. Take my Requiem up to 4000 abralon to ahve it at the same surface as the original.

Thsi ball looks to have alot of potential. And the fact it is soaker and will only get better as the more games i put on it. Will report back after more games.
What is sandbagging???



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Re: Punched up a S-75
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 10:59:57 AM »
not a ball out that hooks as much as this one...looks like it wont make the turn, then out of nowhere the ball just goes left.
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08

throwing whatever i can get to strike...(900 global plus 2 track and a random hammer...)