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Author Topic: Questions About my Break  (Read 4030 times)


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Questions About my Break
« on: November 27, 2008, 12:10:31 AM »
So I FINALLY got my Break drilled yesterday and threw it for the first time. Ball came in 15.3, 2.75 top, and 4.5-5.5 pin. Pin was probably around 5, so it ended up above my ring finger by at least an inch and maybe half an inch left. CG just below midline and slightly kicked left and the mass bias is in my thumb. Weight hole to remove excess thumb weight.

So, I take it out to the lanes, warm up with my fire quantum playing straight up 7 or so and pull out the break. Obviously moved in and the ball just took off on me. Even at OOB. Continued moving in and the ball just hooked more. Tried the quantum inside and it wouldn't budge. So I broke out the LevRG and the break picked up even sooner than that. Put some polish on the ball and it gave me some extra length but the ball is still way stronger overall than my LevRG. I'm by all means a stroker and i was inside swinging the break and unable to keep it from rolling out.

The flare rings actually start half an inch above my thumbhole dead center but, the ball doesn't catch the thumbhole. Kinda puzzled both myself and the pro shop guy

My pro shop guys jaw about hit the ground with the amount of flare this ball generates. It was way stronger than I had anticipated even with a good coat of polish on the ball.

Any thoughts?
When all else fails, become a lefty
Mike Geller
Lord Field Amateur Staff
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"



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Re: Questions About my Break
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 10:29:42 AM »
Tell you what before my injury, I had a break solid.  It was easily the largest thing I have ever thrown left handed couldnt find enough head oil for it in any house league. Which was fine with me cause i needed a piece that did that.  Mine flared about 7-8 inches and I had mine rico drilled.  That ball has to have head oil I throw about 18-19 mph left handed with about 500 rpms and it still wanted to hook at the arrows in oob condition.  I did find enough head oil at a monthly tourney i go to and it was a monster had hook where others didnt.  If you dont want that much take it up to 2000 abralon and throw a polish on it. That whould give the length you want and put it in between your fire quantum and lev rg. if it is still too much take to 4000 and polish. You can get it to do what you want you just have to adjust the cover till it does what you want it to.
As you can imagine bowling with wrong hand is going not so well but I sure look darn good doing it, being the biggest 900 global pimp in the area.

Arsenal Break s 75, break pearl, awakening, link,  <--14lb arsenal (break solid, creature pearl,)15lb  more global to come


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Re: Questions About my Break
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 12:00:52 PM »
how was the LevRG drilled? When I compared my LevRG to my Break it wasn't even close, my LevRG was pin under Bridge mb out around 3 inches OOB finish and it picked up before it got to the arrows. My Break was something like 70x3x30 1000 abralon finish.

At least your Break is strong I wasn't terribly impressed with mine.
''Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate Flow through you.'' Emperor Palpatine

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Re: Questions About my Break
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2008, 07:38:19 AM »
Wow guys, thanks for the timely responses!

Rev: I believe if the box is correct the break comes at 4000 grit OOB, we tossed polish on top of that, and the ball still wanted to move hard and early.

Drrev2000: Yes, you're absolutely correct the MB on my levrg is about 2" and slightly below my thumb. I suppose that does explain the early roll of the break. I think both myself and the ball driller severely underestimated the strength of this ball as we discussed this and didn't think it would cause a problem. Unfortunately with such a long pin I don't think there's really any better drilling alternatives. Should be a good ball for Vegas tho!

mainzer: My LevRG is drilled pin above and left of the ring just enough so they aren't touching with the CG about half an  inch below and directly left of the pin. The MB is about 2" from the thumb. The ball is at 2000 grit and is by far the smoothest rolling ball i've ever thrown. I absolutely love it.

When all else fails, become a lefty
Mike Geller
Lord Field Amateur Staff
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Questions About my Break
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2008, 09:39:16 AM »
Hey Drrev,
quote:The closer you place the Mb to your Track, the earlier any Asymmetric cored ball is going to react and unless your playing on 45+ of thick oil, it will Rev-up & Roll-
Did you mean the closer you place the MB to your PAP? Closer to your track will create later revs and hook and the closer to your PAP will create earlier revs and hook! Just checking!
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL UP A STORM AND BE KING OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it."
Bruce Campbell
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Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!


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Re: Questions About my Break
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 11:31:32 AM »
To Bad your driller did not pay attention to the Mb Diff. on the Break, the #'s on these balls are similar to the #'s posted on Morich Mb Diff., if the Break had no measurable Mb Diff., then the reaction you were aiming for might have worked. If your still looking for that reaction shape, punch a Global Maniac!
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

You got a Maniac Punched up? How is it?
''Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate Flow through you.'' Emperor Palpatine

"No one runs...from the conquerer "
