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Author Topic: Reality Check Review  (Read 17285 times)


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Reality Check Review
« on: July 21, 2022, 11:04:54 AM »
layout: 30 x 4.5 x 30
Surface: box - 4k Fast

I was very excited about this Reality Check considering how much I liked the Altered Reality.  The Reality Check brings back the Disturbance core found in the previous Reality balls while using the brand new S84 Beta Hybrid coverstock.  What I noticed out of this new coverstock was more parts pearl than solids in the hybrid.  I got more length and more backend than I saw out of my Altered Reality.

House Shot Pattern Testing:
I saw a very usable ball reaction on the typical house shot.  This ball gave the reaction that a lot of bowlers are looking for:  length, angle, and great pin carry.  It was also very easy to get this ball to strike because of its predictability due to the large disturbance core.  The reality check tended to due the right thing quite often and made it easy to strike often.  I think this will be a great league ball for many different styles and will work fairly well on both higher volumes and some lower volume oil patterns depending on your style.  I wouldn’t be afraid to shine this ball up to a 1500 grit polished finish to see even more length and angle.

Sport Shot Testing:
I tried the Reality Check on the 43ft Earl Anthony PBA Pattern.  What I saw out of this on the fresh was typically what you would see on a more angular ball.  It was a little tough to control the breakpoint and was slightly too angular.  Once the lane started to break down and I was able to open my angles up more, this ball really shined well.  It handled the heavier oil volume well and continued very well through the pins.  This ball would be a great step down from the original reality or a step up in hook and angle from the Zen Master or Zen Soul.  I can see this being a really good tournament transition ball for many styles when bowling on medium to longer oil patterns.  Bringing the surface down to 1000 or 2000 grit will give this ball more control and more usability on fresher oil conditions if that reaction is desired.

Adam Chase
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Reality Check
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2022, 06:17:14 PM »
The Reality Check is the newest release in the 900 series from 900 Global. This ball features the same Disturbance asymmetrical core as the first two Reality but has a new hybrid cover in the S84 Beta which is finished with the new Fast 4K. The intent of this cover was to create a similar hook potential of the S84 Response but a very different backend shape. I drilled mine 5 x 5.5 x 2 and after my first practice session with it, I was very impressed about the shape this ball create compared to the others. I always thought the Reality and Altered Reality had a tendency to rev up super quick and burn up quick but when they matched up with the right volume and pattern length these balls were really good and still will be. The Reality Check was a lot cleaner motion and you could tell that this ball got down the lane and still make a great motion to the pocket. I can see myself using this ball on medium length fresh patterns that have some friction to it and some longer patterns latter in blocks when I need to control the friction. This is going to be a very popular ball because of the different motion it makes and will continue to keep the Reality line one of the best asymmetrical lines in bowling today !


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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2022, 12:11:30 PM »
Reality Check - Ball Specs
Cover Stock: S84 Beta Hybrid Coverstock
Finish: 4K- FAST
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric Core
Layout: 50 x 5 x 40
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.052
Intermediate Diff: .018

The Reality Check features the disturbance asymmetric core with S84 Beta Hybrid Coverstock providing an RG of 2.49 (15lbs) and differential of 0.052. For me the Reality Check is the best of both worlds. It fits right in between the Reality and Altered Reality.  The Reality Check reads a little sooner than the Altered Reality but not as soon as the Reality, but it still has same strong reaction on the backend. I tested this ball on a 42 feet typical house pattern with a lot of down lane transition. As mid to low rev player I was able to play to the right of twenty and left of twenty without losing any carrying power. My ball layout is 50x5x40. This ball will be in my bag for league and tournaments. This is a great ball for all levels of bowlers. Order one from your local pro shop today! My ball review videos are posted on YouTube channel Stanley Waite.

Stanley Waite
900 Global Staff Member
Dover, DE


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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2022, 09:35:25 PM »
900 Global Reality Check
Layout: 60 x 2 x 70
Finish: 4k FAST
Lane types and pattern types: HPL lane panels with 48ft THS pattern and SPL panels with 46ft THS.

Since I added a longer pin Asyms in my bag earlier this summer with the very versatile Storm Infinite Physix, I decided to go back to my normal P2P layouts that I normally use Asyms pieces, like the all new Reality Check. When myself and Mike Sinek saw this core, we were truly stoked about it. Reminds us of an older line from Roto Grip that we both had great success with a “few” years ago. We texted and called each other to talk about the new Disturbance core and how it will fit into the Global line very well. The Reality was a good all-around Asyms for me, and the Altered Reality was really sharp and crisp for me, most of the time on THS, it was too much. Then the RAD R&D guys at SPI came up with the ultimate solution, developing a cover similar to the S84 response cover that still gave great length, but with a stronger amount of backend shape. On the lanes I was quite cautious at the start knowing how wicked the new Infinite Physix was, but once I got more and more shots with the Reality Check, I realized it was quite surprising “calm” in the middle part of the lane, less angle then the Infinite Physix and also was able to move anywhere on both house patterns and felt comfortable making good shots over and over again. I was able to assist in three SPI Matchmaker events in three different states, three different lane types and length of patterns, and by far the Reality Check was the most asked for ball in all three events, from the 2 handed youth all the way up to the 72 year old that was getting back into bowling after several years of being out of the sport, it was the BEST versatile Asym ball I have had the pleasure to drill and use.


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900 Global Reality Check by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2022, 07:13:14 PM »
Cover: S84 Beta Hybrid
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric
Finish: 4k Fast
RG: 2.50 (14lb)
Diff: 0.052 (14lb)
Int. Diff: 0.018 (14lb)

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
PAP: 4 7/8 Right 3/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin Over Ring 5 X 4.5 X 1.5 VLS
                                  60 X 5 X 30 Dual Angle

To add a quicker response compliment to it's 900 series line of balls, a hybrid version of the Reality has hit the market to fill the void. While I don't believe the Reality Check was designed to be a direct replacement of the Altered Reality, it has worked out to be one for me. The S84 Beta Hybrid cover is clean and responsive down-lane, creating a powerful shape and explosive hit through the pins.

I first tested the Reality check on our high volume 43 foot house pattern. This ball is very unique in that I feel like I can basically take it out of my bag at any time and find it useful. It has the power of the rest of the Reality series and I don't have problems with it being over-under on the fresh. It's also fantastic as the heads go away and force you left. It's clean cover will push down-lane better than any ball on the market that has a similarly powerful core and it creates angle from virtually anywhere you want to play the pattern.

I also took the reality check with me to nationals this year. While the back-ends were so quick for all events that I didn't think I would  need it, I did end up throwing it to
finish out my team event because I wanted to get left of a team-mate who was using more surface in the middle of the lane. I was able to get steeper through the front and avoid the early friction while still getting the ball to come back and get through the pins. That is where the reality check really excels for me.

I think this is the best strong quick ball on the market right now and anyone who ever feels the need to get in and cover boards will benefit from having one in their bag.

Michael Slatky

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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2022, 10:12:30 AM »
900 Global
Reality Check

Coverstock: S84 Beta Hybrid Reactive
Finish: 4K - Fast
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.052
Int Diff: 0.018

Layout: 5 x 5 x 4 2LS
Tester:  PAP 6 1/2 R, 1 1/4 D

The 900 Global Reality Check hybrid cover is new to the Reality line and designed to compliment the original Reality. This new coverstock allows the ball to go further through the front part of lane. To test the Reality Check out I rolled both the Reality and the Reality Check on a fresh PBA Shark pattern. 

For me, the Reality Check provides me a more smoother shape then the original. I was very impressed how much control the ball provided down lane on this pattern. The OOB finish worked well and I have not needed to change the surface. Initially I thought I may need to surface with a 1K or 2K pad for Shark, but it was not needed.

The 900 Reality Check has pleasantly surprised me. At times when a "big ball" may quit fairly quickly, the Reality check did not disappoint as I was able to continue to move inside and carry pins consistently. Also, it should be noted during trade show season the Reality Check excelled during the demo portion of the event I worked at. Many different bowling styles enjoyed what the Reality Check offered....decent length, nice pin carry along with control.

You should expect a continuous, strong reaction throughout the lane. Also, 900 has kept the Int Diff lower on the Reality series to achieve some length down lane so the ball as designed does not "hook at your feet" and "quit". As indicated above, the Reality Check will work best on longer and higher volume patterns.  Do not hesitate to try out the 900 Global Reality Check today!

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA


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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2022, 04:11:30 PM »
Reality Check
Cover: S84 Hybrid Beta Coverstock
Weight Block: Asymmetrical Weightblock
Color: Black/Indigo/Maroon

The Reality Check is the third installment of a great line of balls from the Reality Series. The Reality Series has proven to be a staple for bother tournament bowlers and bowlers who like to carry that high end ball in their bag just incase they need it. Personally, I tend to use the Reality Check when the lanes start to transition and I still want to keep something with a little more backend then my Reality. Besides the great motion this ball makes for me I love the way it looks as it rolls down the lane. With such eye-catching color combos this ball is sure to stand out on the lanes. I kept mine at the 4K Fast finish to create a little smoother motion, but I could see the appeal of adding some polish to this ball in order to create a little more length on the lane if needed. Don’t miss out on adding another great piece to your bag!
Will Tefft
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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2022, 09:38:58 AM »
Ball Review Reality Check, RG: 2.49 Dif:.052 PSA: 0.018 Cover: S84 Beta Hybrid 4K Fast PAP 5 1/8 over ¾ UP, Medium/Ball Speed Rev Rate 275-325 Layout: 4¾ x4 x1¾

The new addition to the 900 Global Reality lineup is here. This ball was a big surprise. In my opinion I think this is the best Reality yet. The Check has a smooth rounded ball motion with a strong controlled angler backend. It reads the mid lane well without being over responsive down lane. The new beta hybrid cover makes the Check a versatile ball on various conditions. It did not seem to read early or overreact on the backend but stores energy and strong continuation through the pins. The Check will be a great choice for various play styles and conditions. Check out your local VIP pro shop and see if the “Check” is right for you.


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Reality Check Review
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2022, 10:31:00 AM »
Global Reality Check

Cover stock S84 Beta Hybrid  Reactive
Asymmetric Core
4K Fast Finish
Layout 4 x 4.5 x 1.5 PB

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up
Rev Rate 300. Tilt 20. Rotation 50.
Speed at cameras 15.5

 The new Reality Check is an excellent ball. The way the Reality Check digs out the corner pins is almost like cheating. I carry more off hits with this ball than I deserve. I was a big fan of the Altered and even though this has a different reaction I like it just as well. I have the 4K Fast finish on this ball from the factory and it has the look and feel of a slight polish. The Reality check reads the lane a bit sooner than I expect from a polish but has a more angular finish than I anticipated. I have already had some nice games and sets with this ball. I have a few bowlers shooting higher than their regular scores with the Reality Check also. This ball seems to fit many styles of play. I think I will drill another soon and sand it to 2K which should put more teeth on this already strong ball. I would put this ball below my Gem and Infinite Physix in total hook. Even though this is a strong ball I have not had to put it away too quickly because it rolls great and carries as you move inside. This is definitely a great ball and the motions the Storm family of balls has been generating lately are very good and diverse.

The Reality Check blends hook and backend nicely.
The 4K Fast finish works nicely on this ball.
This ball carries the corner pins like a champ.

Glenn Wendel
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Storm Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2022, 01:46:18 PM »

f the first out my bag The third installment in the Reality line is the Reality Check. This ball has the new beta hybrid cover on it and compared my Altered Reality this ball really wants to sand up in the mid lane with a strong motion through the pins. I used 5.5 x 40 x 50 this ball is one of my bag in league or tournament play.


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Reality Check
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2022, 06:26:23 PM »
The 3rd ball In the reality line has some big shoes to fill coming from its previous successors. The reality check in my opinion is living up to the hype with its clean ball motion and pop off the spot. This Ball fits perfect between my original reality and altered reality. If this ball is too smooth or too close to the original reality for you hit it with a 1500 grit abralon pad and polish it. Get to your local pro shop for this new piece by 900Global.

 Anthony Wiegand


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Re: Reality Check Review
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2022, 08:22:30 PM »
Layout: 45 x 4 5/8 x 35

The Reality Check is one of the cleaner, most responsive high end balls that I have used in some time. Balls such as the first Reality or the Proton Physix roll quite a bit earlier, and even something like the previous entry in the line, the Altered Reality, I found to pick up sooner as well. The Reality Check ignores the heads and the front of the mids, but really digs in to the lane in the back half of the lane.  It is a perfect step down from the dull high end choices, and a perfect stronger compliment to balls such as the Wolverine Dark Moss, Idol Cosmos, or the Night Road. It is right at home on medium/heavy to medium lane conditions.

Mike LeViner