Besides this longer thread where S45 is mentioned: proshop operator is a staffer for 900G and he told me as well so if I have been mislead with my info I apologize.
In my experience side by side with the same layout (label and 800 grit) my Heist and Code are nearly the same. Supposedly the Code should have a stronger punch in the back but for me my Heist does. My Code has a stronger midlane read and is earlier. Comparing these two balls I find the Heist to be slightly stronger and usable when my Code quite can't turn the corner.
All three of my Heists react differently from quite snappy to quite rolly. I find the Heist to be much more versatile saving more energy down lane.
Anyways this is how I see it most likely someone will see it differently than I do.
For me my Awakening rolls very similar to my 800 grit label Heist. It just is five or so boards weaker overall.
The original Pin Krusher