Ill promise you this if your wanting 1, you will NOT find any of them NIB I'm sure and if you do I'm sure there already drilled. IF you do by chance find 1 jump all over it before because if you don't I will IM sure like I do on all the others i find LOL, they have not had any of them for years
that ball was release some time ago. I have 1 and IM not parting with it, It goes with all my other collection of balls from 900 GLOBAL that they have ever released
I have only seen 2 of these in almost 4 years now and they were both mine well till i gave my brother 1( wasn't happy i did that now ) and he loved it, well he did when he got it and threw it every week. Now that several other new balls have come out sense then he does not throw it much now. Just like me, when a new ball comes out its hard not to punch a couple of them up and give them a try. then again IM not just your avg bowler. I have well over 155 NIB balls in my 900 Global collection today that I will never part with & it keeps growing every week
I have there 1st release the Creature solid (2 of them) and Earth ball all the way up to there newest release the Rip/IT and at least 1 of every ball if not more in between ( some of them I have 4- 6 in my collection )
so you might be calling the wrong person a ball hog ( hoe) LOL