I think the breakpoint pearl is awesome. I have used it on the chameleon and cheetah patterns. Viper is next. The only pattern I doubt whether it will work for me is on the SHARK.
I am a high rev high speed right handed player. Drilled 5 X 3, pin on top.
I am not sure what my pap is these days, my pro shop driller calculates it for me when he drills a ball.
On the cheetah, stand slightly left of center, wind it over the second arrow, out to the gutter and watch it come back.
On the Chamaleon, I stand slightly right of the center of the alley, and rev it up between the first and second arrow with lots of speed.
On a house shot, I stand 10 boards left of center and wind it out from the third arrow. I do not rev it up as much with my hand.