I was gifted a Respect. It had like 3 games on it, and the original owner was like, "Too over under, driving me insane, here n00dlejester - have it!" So, I plugged it and redrilled it.
The layout is something like 40 x 4 x 40 - it puts the pin in my ring finger.
At box surface, the ball was sooooooooo wiggly downlane. It looked good for half a game, then didn't know what it wanted to do no matter where I played on the lane. Then it kind of woke up while practicing after league.
Then last night, I hit it with a 2k pad on a spinner. I didn't press hard, and only spun it about 20 seconds on 4 sides. This is our sport shot league, and we bowled on the 37' Melbourne pattern. I used the Respect all 3 games and had one hell of a look. It was much more continuous, and predictable!
Has anybody else had trouble with the shiny OOB surface of their respect? What surfaces work well on the Respect? I'm really curious as to others' experiences with this ball. This is the hardest hitting ball I've owned since the IQ Tour Fusion and I want to maximize my use of this ball.