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Author Topic: 290/761 with S75  (Read 2567 times)


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290/761 with S75
« on: October 30, 2008, 11:46:38 AM »
bowled a tourney this past week and was bowling 2nd shift.  alot of oil middle of lane a bit of carry down, but friction on the outside.  came out and struggled for a measley 207 playing a bit inside.  than got hot last half of 2nd game (made a 5 & 2 move) and ended up shooting 264, and in the 10th i noticed the ball checking up a bit.  

so third game i made a 2 & 1 move the first frame(left foot lined up with left gutter, target just inside 4th arrow) came a bit high & left 6-10.  so right lane i figured what the hell, stand in front of ball return and chuck
right....nailed the hole.  left lane made another 5 & 3 move...nailed the hole again.  proceeded to pound out the next 9 for a cool 290.

the ball was probrably too much for what was out there, but i wanted to see what it could do on a 2nd shift shot and how much area i could create with it.  and this ball was a beast out there.  mines drilled 4 x 4 1/2 & sitting at 1000 abralon.  alot of people were asking about what ball i was throwing, seeing how i was playing deeper than everyone.  i think i sold a few on the ball and the company, as some never heard of 900 global.

overall i've been throwing this piece for the past 3 weeks and its real smooth through the heads, and then it just keeps on keeping on.  by far my favorite piece in the bag.  great job 900 Global!  cant wait to try the Bounty too