I have The Look and noticed in OOB condition, I am not able to throw it. I've tried it on a fresh THS and it just doesn't seem to want to move on the backend. I'm thinking it's too strong. Unfortunately, I really wasn't looking for a 'lane specific' ball since I cannot bowl tournaments anymore. With that being said, I want to play with the coverstock. But it's already at 4k OOB. I'm open to suggestions. Since this has a soaker additive coverstock what can I really do with it?
Being a Soaker does not mean anything regarding changing the surface. You can do anything to it that you'd do to any other ball, as far as I know and have experienced. Just keep in mind that when you do a surface change, it takes 15 -20 games before the ball shows its true strength. (When new, it seems to take 20 - 25 games to show its true strength.) The ball gets stronger and stronger in small degrees.
I'd suggest sanding it to 1500 or 2000 grit and then applying a light dose of a good polish BY HAND, so it's a true light polish. I'd start with a normal polish, like Snake Oil. (Delayed Reaction has a slip agent in it. Try that as a last resort.) You can always add more polish, if you see fit. Adding polish on top of a 4000 grit finish often makes the breakpoint to hard to control unless you're fairly speed dominant,