Hey all, I have a Creature Pearl coming and wanted to get some advice on a layout.
I Was thinking of a 6 inch pin to pap putting the pin slightly left of my middle finger with the cg in the palm somewhere.
Anyone try something similar on this ball? Will it be too weak? Should I go pin under middle finger to give me a different look?
My arsenal:
Neptune-Pin over ring cg slightly left in palm (4000 abralon)
Venus-Pin over bridge cg in grip center (1000 + polish)
Cell Pearl-pin over bridge mb below and right of thumb (2000 + polish)
Rival-Pin over ring cg stacked below (4000 ab)
Villain-Pin under bridge cg swung right 2inches approx. (2000 ab)
Power tweener 16-17mph, 380 revs, 55deg. rotation, pap 5 1/2 over
I bowl on wood lanes mostly
Thanks for any advice
www.badrap.orgEdited on 1/16/2009 2:03 PM