I've decided to switch to an all-900 tournament arsenal this year (I carry 7 balls to tournaments). I've got 6 of them settled but I'm in between on the last one.
In the bag (from most oil-handling to least), and I'm not going to bore you with exact drill patterns and stats unless you ask for them:
1) 900G Break S-75
2) AMF Nkryption Code (drilled Girard and then highly polished)
3) AMF The Heist
4) AMF The Heist Pearl
5) Lane #1 Chainsaw (poured by 900G)
6) Lane #1 XXXL Starburst (not poured stateside, I know, but it was post-900G conversion)
I can do one of three things. I can either get a real oiler (my S-75 has a light polish but I'm not messing with it, as I love the way it plays now), which I'd have to buy and drill. Or, I can add something in between the S-75 and the N-Code, or between the N-Code and The Heist solid. I'd prefer to put one there, as there's a bit of a gap.
I have a Break Pearl and a Break Point Pearl, but those two balls are much more aggressive than I was expecting, even though my BPP carries a fairly weak drill pattern. I also have a bunch of old-school AMF stuff lying around (XS, Ninja Master, etc.). I'm pretty stumped on which way to go.