yes, the bounty hunter is definetly an oiler but it would go above your rogue.. it will be (all around stronger)earler and more angular then your rogue.. as for the original break pearl(wont be as strong as your cell pearl) it is a great ball, a little oil sensitive at first.. I had to scuff/break the surface a tad to get it to read consistantly(med/medlight oil ball).. now you can go with the NEW "break point pearl"(true med ball).. this ball will be one step up from your cell pearl.. very nice ball it clears the front, reads the mids nicely and has a stronger angular move off the spot.. you won't go wrong picking any of these balls.. 900 GLOBAL is putting out some of the best balls right now and don't forget Amf has some good stuff too(R&D/poured by 900G)
Edited on 8/22/2009 2:15 PM