i agree with slashrr69, he knows some the same info on old Wally like me. Wally is not a nice guy like all think he is, I knew Eddy from Big E would not touch him.
Eddy has good reasons after me knowing them, Big E is smart to show Wally who is really the big boss and it sure ain't him!!
Karma Wally it is Karma, you went from hero to zero with me in 5 minutes flat. Not that A LEGEND WOULD CARE TO TALK WITH US LEAGUE BOWLER LOW LIFE'S, BUT BEING DECENT PERSON IS TOO MUC TO ASK IS IT NOT??
WALLY is a tool if you guys actually knew about him most will agree, cocky, arrogant and host of other names that cannot be posted.
Of course this is a opinion of just low life league bowler that was a Wally fan, have a nice day and Eric you wasted your money on this one sorry!!