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Author Topic: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global  (Read 24473 times)


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Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« on: September 05, 2009, 10:19:16 AM »
WRW Jr.  Is officially the new newest member of the 900 Global family.  Walter started using our products early in the week along with a few others.  After matching up well and making a decent run in the World Championship we reached an agreement late last night.  

Tune in to ESPN to see how he bowled in his first televised match with Global in October.
900 Global/AMF  Sales Manager



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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2009, 12:56:16 AM »
Do you ever just go away??? My stalker is back from the dead i see, be happy stalker I am moving in a few months.

I own and like 900global and AMF, no actually he was was with Brunswick when it happened and I still bought there brand.

Hey stalker can you buy a 900global balls before i go lol I can of miss you messing with me more so bring it on pal!!

Bowlingnut--So people should not buy a bowling ball from the company that WRW
represents because you say he was rude to you and your wife?  Shouldn't they
refrain from buying from the company that he was representing at the time of
the insult?  Global 900 is only trying to get the best possible representative
of their products that they can.  I'm sure they were unaware of the grieveous
insult toward you or they never would have signed him.


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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2009, 01:47:18 AM »
1.  Can't you move sooner?
2.  Will you still continue to make these inane, ridiculuous posts?

Edited on 9/7/2009 1:52 AM


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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2009, 01:11:35 PM »
If your employer went bankrupt or was bought by another company, and the new owner's snuffed your previous agreement i think you'd hold a grudge against the new ownership. in ebonite's defence tho its not there responsibility considering it was on the hands of previous owners. Sometimes its best to carry over or honor someone's contracts to save face or good pr.

Danny Wiseman for the same reasons will never throw another Brunswick ball with what they did to Revolution. I remember talking with him about it a tour stop and there are some bitter words thrown in.

someone had to pick up walter, and he won't touch a brunswick ball, and ebonite's hammer brand never paid out his complete contract.
nice signing indeed.

While WRW may have had his problems with Ebonite, when he was with Hammer, they were not owned bY Ebonite. They were owned by Faball. So while he may have no problem with "Hammer", he does probably have "unresolved conflicts" with Ebonite, as Ebonite and as the current owner of the Hammer brand name.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2009, 01:21:37 PM »
Please remember there are ALWAYS 2 sides to EVERY story.

Walter Ray Williams has NEVER sold a bowling ball...that is why not only Ebonite but Brunswick would not give him what he thought he was worth in a contract...he wanted from both-10 yrs for a million. No bowler is worth that. The only bowler that Brunswick would pay is Parker Bohn. He is one of the, if not the best representative and person any ball company could want-BAR NONE.

Walter Ray had no alternatives. Who was left? Storm...they have the best bowler to ever throw a bowling ball on staff...PDW.

Formerly BrunsRico

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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2009, 01:26:05 PM »
And one other thing...when you hear a bowler say they would never throw a certain ball company again, for whatever reason, usually means that said ball company would not give them a ball to throw. Danny has thrown many Brunswick balls since being let go from Brunswick. And so has WRW.
Formerly BrunsRico

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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2009, 07:43:27 PM »
ric, no bowler is worth that ? didn't don carter get $100,000 a year for 10 years from ebonite ? wasn't chris barnes originally signed by columbia 300 for $125,000 for 8 years ? if both of these players can receive a million dollar contract( and carter was well past his prime ) surely the man with the most pba national titles could get one.


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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2009, 07:53:46 PM »
WRW could not get one from either Ebonite nor Brunswick in his heyday, as I stated, he never sold a single bowling ball. What Chris and Mr. Carter bring/brought to the table is a little more than WRW. Merely winning titles does relate to ball sales. How many golfers buy a club because of how Jim Furyk or Steve Stricker swings a club...but how many sales does Nike get because of Tiger Woods? WRW is not dynamic nor does he create excitement. Chris does. There were many years, that numerous bowlers were receiving over $100K, from ball companies in the 90's, WRW being one of them. Those days are gone.
Sorry no matter how many titles WRW wins, he will not be revered such as DIck Weber, Don Carter, Earl Anthony, Parker Bohn, Pete Weber or Chris Barnes.
Formerly BrunsRico

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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2009, 08:08:52 PM »

You stated this...

WRW could not get one from either Ebonite nor Brunswick in his heyday, as I stated, he never sold a single bowling ball.

You are of course kidding correct? Do you really honestly believe this? So NO ONE in the US or anywhere bought one single ball in the pro shop after watching WRW bowl?

Sounds like some serious sour grapes to me, no matter what you may think personally of the man.

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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2009, 08:09:55 PM »
Anyone is better than mike james.


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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2009, 08:19:43 PM »
I have worked in the bowling industry pretty much my whole adult life.
Through most of WRW's heyday, I was either owning/running pro shops or working for a manufacturer. I know what creates sales and why certain bowlers are paid what they are. Do you think MoRich sales were what they were because of WRW? No they were because of Mo Piniel.
Why do you think WRW was not resigned by Ebonite or Brunswick?
Okay, I will admit, I remember one day, that a couple came into my shop and both bought the first Helix, because they say WRW throw one on TV the day before. BTW he was using it as a spare ball.
When I talk about ball sales, I mean when a bowler makes a show there are spikes in sales when a player works a clinic or has an appearance, it sparks ball sales.
If this is the case with WRW, why is he not similar to a Johnny Petraglia or Parker Bohn, a Jason Couch, players that are still with there original companies?
There is more than merely winning titles that equate to ball sales.
And I have nothing personal against WRW BTW. Just trying to explain what goes into signing and keeping staff players.
Formerly BrunsRico

As posted by Steven..."None other than our esteemed JustRico!!"
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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2009, 09:20:01 PM »
Nice to know WRWjr (or any other popular bowler) will be throwing 900G. I get stoked to see 900G equipment on TV. WRWjr is not my favorite bowler, but if 900G  gets some air time because of it- Cool!

Now if Phil would just get Normy to jump ship...
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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2009, 10:24:35 PM »

I have been in the bowling business about as long as you. I have had as many people come in asking what ball did WRW throw to win as I have Mr Bohn or Mr Weber or whoever.  

Now maybe he didn't meet or exceed the Brunswich expectations, I can't comment on that.  What I can say is that he will sell 900Global just by the fact it will lead to more exposure. I have already had people ask about 900Global just because WRW signed.  People will get to see the ball on TV. See how they work and yes, some will buy the ball.

Again, it just sounds like sour grapes to me.  Yes he may not be as popular as others, but to say he wouldn't sell balls or help out 900Global seems a bit sour...

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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2009, 10:27:54 PM »
Why would I have sour grapes towards WRW or Global? Honestly I could care less. I merely stating what I know, that's all.

Formerly BrunsRico

As posted by Steven..."None other than our esteemed JustRico!!"
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2009, 08:10:21 AM »
He is the only pro I have met in person that was a total douche bag, Met Steve Jaros a few times now great guy. WRW was a total cock and no thanks to meeting him again, he was rude to my wife who everyone gets along with.

Barnes, TJ, Couch, Bohn, Delutz, Soper all funny cool guys. WRW is dry and stale as they come, to you he might be your pal who knows and have fun.

I used to deal with Hammertruck on here that WRW would come to his house and have a BBQ everytime he was in Virginia. Hammertruck worked in AMF headquarters and was his personal friend, he could not believe WRW was rude to my wife and another lady who worked at Big E.

Could he have a bad day well maybe, but does it justify it to be an azzhole to people out there that are/were fans??

Big E will never touch him again, they stand up for there workers and should!!

Eddy is a great guy for telling WRW the way it is!!

First off, let me say Congrats to Global on this signing. We should see a lot more of their products on TV this year.

Now to Mr. Bowling Nut....have you ever met Mark Roth? He was my favorite bowler growing up. I tried to throw the big cranker shot just like him. I got a chance to meet him once, and I saw him throw more 4-letter words then a sailor at kid who wanted his autograph between games while he was bowling a squad. He was not the nicest guy, but that doesn't change what he did on the lanes. There are plenty of bowlers, PBA members and regular league bowlers, who have great talent, yet I wouldn't want to spend 5 seconds with off the lanes. Some, like the ones you mentioned, are great guys on and off the lanes. But there is no need to come on here and bash his signing with Global over it. You don't like him, so be it. Ebonite not signing may or may not have anything to do with his attitude. Maybe he just doesn't match up well with their stuff, I know that is true for me. You need to take a chill pill, and grow up a little and get over the fact that your "hero" turned out to be an azz, it happens, people are, no matter what profession they are in.



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Re: Walter Ray Williams Jr. Newest member of 900 Global
« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2009, 11:08:57 AM »
Historically, what did Walter do for MoRich ball sales?

Don't expect he will do much more for Global ball sales. For those of you who thinks different, what has changed with WRW that is all of a sudden going to ignite his ability to sale balls?

His personality matters as far as marketing and sales go. Why should he expect the big buck endorsement if he is not willing to positively market the product. And yes, that means being nice to the common joe bowler that buys most of the balls. It also means taking the time to talk about the balls and actually giving the balls credit in part for his success.

Now, I personally don't expect any athlete to be a role model. So WRW being a jerk does not matter to me. Global is not used in my area (Alabama). Don't know of anyone throwing them. By seeing WRW using them on T.V., I might purchase one after seeing how the balls role. However, you can't tell that much from watching pros use balls on T.V.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

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