90% of celebs are tools...but I bet if you were famous, you'd probably be a tool, too.
Oh, I bet the first 1000 times some half-wit slobbers all over you might be tolerable, but eventually "fans" are going to get on your nerves. Why? Because most normal people who see a celeb don't bother them.
Usually the person who asks for the autograph while the celeb is eating, or working, or bowling, etc. are the inconsiderate schmucks who also ask idiotic questions, wants the celeb to autograph a body part or 18 different items, begs for something, and/or won't allow the celeb to go on their merry way without getting rude.
I'm pretty sure that if you were friends with WRW, he'd turn out to be a pretty normal Joe...just one who happens to bowl for a living.