Tell you what before my injury, I had a break solid. It was easily the largest thing I have ever thrown left handed couldnt find enough head oil for it in any house league. Which was fine with me cause i needed a piece that did that. Mine flared about 7-8 inches and I had mine rico drilled. That ball has to have head oil I throw about 18-19 mph left handed with about 500 rpms and it still wanted to hook at the arrows in oob condition. I did find enough head oil at a monthly tourney i go to and it was a monster had hook where others didnt. If you dont want that much take it up to 2000 abralon and throw a polish on it. That whould give the length you want and put it in between your fire quantum and lev rg. if it is still too much take to 4000 and polish. You can get it to do what you want you just have to adjust the cover till it does what you want it to.
As you can imagine bowling with wrong hand is going not so well but I sure look darn good doing it, being the biggest 900 global pimp in the area.
Arsenal Break s 75, break pearl, awakening, link, <--14lb arsenal (break solid, creature pearl,)15lb more global to come