After looking at the "current" line, I see a few holes. We go from a Break line with an S70 coverstock to the Lunatic line with a polished solid at S53? I am only looking at the 900 Global brand only. Where's the pearl Lunatic with a stronger cover like AMF's Clutch? Then we go from the S53 solid Lunatic down to the S30 Link? Looks like there's a few spots in here that may need help? Personally, I'd like to see another symmetrical if not two of them. Thats when the Pulse...err, sorry, the Creatures were the only ones available. Can they make a strong S62 and stronger S75 symmetrical ball like they did in the AMF line? I love both brands, don't get me wrong. I just think some things are missing which wouldn't surprise me if they have some more stuff coming up in the near/distant future.