Decided to do an all-900 Global arsenal for state tournament this year. That includes balls from 900 Global, AMF, Lane #1 and Seismic (although I own no Seismic). I also took an old Columbia ball that was made in San Antonio. And because I like to write, I''m going to share all of this with the rest of you guys.
First, here''s what''s in the bag, from most aggressive to least:
1) Columbia 300 Reaction Roll
2) 900Global The Break S75
3) AMF Nkryption Code
4) Lane #1 BuzzBomb/R
5) AMF Clutch Pearl
6) AMF The Heist Pearl
7) Lane #1 Chainsaw
Lane #1 XXXL Starburst
First day: (Saturday, April 10 at Leland Lanes, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Lanes 11-12, fresh oil, doubles and singles)
Lanes: Natural wood, very old and beaten-up heads, length approximately 40 feet, heavy concentration between the 15s, medium-light distribution from 5-15 on both sides, dry outside 5.
Others on pair: 1 high-rev tweener, 1 medium-rev tweener, 1 medium-rev stroker, 2 low-rev strokers (one of them throwing plastic from the start)
Characteristics: This is the hardest major bowling center in Alabama, always has been. Highest averages in the house didn''t top 200 until circa 2006. House is 40+ years old and there are only 20-30 honor scores in its history. Dead side boards, deep flat gutters. Averages are typically anywhere from 20-30 pins lower on average on THS. On a tournament shot, who knows.
Starting notes: We took about 20 bowlers with us, a wide range of styles. In practice, I noticed that aggressive pearlized equipment was going too hard off the spot, not just for me but also for anyone with decent revs or more. (Note: XXL Starburst used on most all spares)
DoublesGame one:
201Balls used: Break S75
Notes: Came out of the gate hot with spare and then a 3-bagger, but the look went away fairly quickly. I was playing straight up around 10 and straight up behind the ball. Anything inside was dead because the concentration of oil between the third and fifth arrow was just horribly deep. Lots of downlane friction but it wasn''t a drastic kick left off the end of the pattern. The surface on this ball is a matte that I got by using a Scotch-Brite gray pad. That allowed me to smooth out the transition at the end by letting the ball burn off some energy before it got there. Unfortunately, that plan had an expiration date, which was somewhere around the 7th frame. The ball stopped turning the corner and began rolling out early. I went split (miss), spare, spare in the 7th-9th, then in the 10th I said hello to a blower 7-10.
Game two:
207Balls used: Chainsaw
Notes: I knew I needed to make a big move, and by watching the others in our group (and from what I saw in practice, I knew my pearl stuff would probably be too much). So I shifted all the way down to my least aggressive piece, a Lane #1 Chainsaw, and started strike-spare-3-bagger. Then, in the sixth frame, someone switched off a light, and the backends went away. I couldn''t tell whether it was the person on our pair throwing plastic and pushing oil down, or burn-up in the track, or both. The problem was that nothing inside 10 was turning the corner, but if you got it outside 5, it came peeling back so hard you couldn''t control it. I fought through the 7th-9th and then decided to move out a little, and BAM, Greek church in the 10th. So now I was open in both 10th frames and had just given away 20-30 pins. Great.
Game three:
157Balls used: Chainsaw, BuzzBomb/R, Clutch Pearl
Notes: What a big mess. The outside didn''t look promising, and the Chainsaw wouldn''t corner inside, so I pulled out the Clutch Pearl, which I figured would be clean enough through the front. Turns out it was too clean. The Chainsaw left a light 2-4-8 in the first, which I missed high and left the 8. I switched to the Clutch Pearl, left the same thing from a deeper angle, and again crossed up too high and left the 2. Changed to the BuzzBomb/R for one frame due to its stronger midlane read, and promptly went 6-7-10. Moved out, straightened up the angles a little, went back to the Clutch Pearl and left a 10-pin, and of course missed it. Came back to double, then left a shaker 4 and got to the 10th, where I doubled and then left the Big 4 on the fill. My partner also fell off in the third game and out of the money we went.
SinglesGame one:
197Balls used: Clutch Pearl, Chainsaw
Notes: This one started out like the last game. Went strike-Big 4-strike to start, then blasted a 10-pin and whiffed it. In the fifth frame, I lucked out to leave just the 4 on a terribly high hit, then in the sixth left a 3-7 which I missed on the low side. I changed back to the Chainsaw in a fit of desperation, and suddenly found the outside to be playable if I forced the ball through the heads a little and remembered to increase my axis rotation a little at release. Struck 7th-10th before I rang a 10-pin hard on the 11th ball and picked it up.
Game two:
203Balls used: Chainsaw
Notes: Opened with a spare and then a 3-bagger playing straight up 6, and was feeling pretty good about things until the breakpoint finally blew up. I spent the second half of the game fighting over-under -- throw it up 6, and it would cross over. Move inside, and the ball wouldn''t finish. The lanes/sideboards were giving me no help. I decided to just wait out the inside and hope it opened up a little for the last game, and by sitting at 400 after two games in these conditions, I thought I might actually have a chance at cashing if I had a strong third game. And then...
Game three:
151Balls used: Chainsaw, XXXL Starburst
Notes: This one was over early. Left a flat 10 in the first, which I missed. Left a 3-6 in the second (continuing the flat-high over-under reaction I was getting) and chopped it. Then I went light again and left a 5-count bucket in the third, which I picked up. Decided to look at the Starburst out of desperation, and actually went strike-spare-strike in the 4th-6th. But in the 7th, I missed on the low side and washed out. I switched back to the Chainsaw and finished out with spares and another split.
SummaryWent 565 in block one and 551 in block two. Essentially, my tournament is over in regards to all events. Tomorrow we switch to a different house on new HPLs, and the scoring pace at that house figures to be a good bit higher. Overall, I still had fun today. This is a house I used to struggle to break 500 in on a regular basis, and the general pace today was low enough that I basically missed my average by less than most did. Of our group, I probably placed about midway. No honor scores in our block, and no one really tore it up. I''m anticipating throwing either the Break S75 or Clutch Pearl most of the day tomorrow.
Edited on 4/13/2010 0:21 AM