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Author Topic: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?  (Read 4983 times)

Kid Jete

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Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« on: March 10, 2009, 05:11:22 AM »
Is 900 doing this purposely?  Are they tied together somehow?  There have always been comparisons of the first 3 balls in each line...

Break = Widow
Break Pearl = Widow Pearl
Break s75 = Widow Bite

Now the Break Point appears to do what the Venom is advertised to do.  Don't get me wrong this isn't a knock on 900, I actually think their line is just as good and actually better in a lot of areas.  I am just curious if this is being done purposely.



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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 01:20:09 PM »
You can't really pin point this to being a copy of Hammer.  All the companies are releasing these types of balls because they cover all lane reactions:

Storm: Shift (moderate pearl particle)
Attitude Shift (strong reactive)
Gravity Shift (polished pearl reactive)
Virtual Gravity (very strong reactive)

Rotogrip: Cell (strong reactive)
Cell Pearl (polished pearl reactive)
Rogue Cell (very strong reactive)

MoRich: LevRG Response (moderate reactive)
LevRg (strong reactive)
Nsane LevRG (pearl reactive)
NTense LevRG (very strong pearl reactive)

900 Global: Break (moderate reactive)
s75 (strong reactive)
Break Pearl (polished pearl reactive)
Break Point (very strong reactive)

Every company is most likely going to release a smooth but strong reactive, a pearl reactive for more angularity and length and most likely polished, and that heavy oiler.  THis has been the trend for a while.

I think you can actually take your equations and match them up to any company!

Also I think the Break Pearl is MUCH stronger than the BWP ever was.  Just my opinion.

Edited on 3/10/2009 1:20 PM

Edited on 3/10/2009 1:21 PM


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 01:26:01 PM »
Yeah, I kind have to side with insidedrive. This is just a normal projection of a variety in ball reactions on/in a good ball line: good base cover + strong, versatile core.

I think you might also add the Track Rising: Rising, UpRising, Rising SE, and the Columbia Rival: Rival, Perfect Rival, Arch Rival to this scenario.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Kid Jete

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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2009, 01:26:45 PM »
You can't really pin point this to being a copy of Hammer.  All the companies are releasing these types of balls because they cover all lane reactions:

Storm: Shift (moderate pearl particle)
Attitude Shift (strong reactive)
Gravity Shift (polished pearl reactive)
Virtual Gravity (very strong reactive)

Rotogrip: Cell (strong reactive)
Cell Pearl (polished pearl reactive)
Rogue Cell (very strong reactive)

MoRich: LevRG Response (moderate reactive)
LevRg (strong reactive)
Nsane LevRG (pearl reactive)
NTense LevRG (very strong pearl reactive)

900 Global: Break (moderate reactive)
s75 (strong reactive)
Break Pearl (polished pearl reactive)
Break Point (very strong reactive)

Every company is most likely going to release a smooth but strong reactive, a pearl reactive for more angularity and length and most likely polished, and that heavy oiler.  THis has been the trend for a while.

I think you can actually take your equations and match them up to any company!

Also I think the Break Pearl is MUCH stronger than the BWP ever was.  Just my opinion.

Edited on 3/10/2009 1:20 PM

Edited on 3/10/2009 1:21 PM

Yeah don't take the title of the thread too seriously, was just more of an attention getter than anything else.  I agree with the Break Pearl, I own one for that exact reason.  It just seems that these two lines have been compared more than any other two in terms of likeness.

The only thing I will say is that the S75 is stronger than the Break Point, atleast in the mids.  The BP is more of a long and strong solid, like the Venom is supposed to be.

Edited on 3/10/2009 1:32 PM


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2009, 01:31:02 PM »
Gamebreaker, Playmaker, and Pin Slasher
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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2009, 01:42:59 PM »
It worked you caught my attention!

Depends on the drilling you have on the Break Point, but I wouldn't necessarily compare it to the Venom.  The BP in my hands can handle way more oil than the Venom can.

As for the s75 and the BP, again for me it's the drilling.  My BP is definitely stronger in the midlane and backend than the s75, but it's probably due to the strong layout I have on the ball.


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2009, 02:33:51 PM »
just want to throw my 2 cents in, the break line is MUCH stronger than the widow line in my eyes and i threw only widows for a long time...

the break solid is much more rolly off the sopt than the widow solid but covers more boards and the s75 has no comparison to any ball right now i have ever thrown, it hooks so so so so much.
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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2009, 05:26:00 PM »
It's stuff like this that keeps me away from this site. This topic absolutely makes no since even if the tables were turned. ALL companies provide an "engine" and change "tires" to provide a different reaction to a bowlers' desire.

Is 900 doing this purposely?  Are they tied together somehow?  There have always been comparisons of the first 3 balls in each line...

Break = Widow
Break Pearl = Widow Pearl
Break s75 = Widow Bite

Now the Break Point appears to do what the Venom is advertised to do.  Don't get me wrong this isn't a knock on 900, I actually think their line is just as good and actually better in a lot of areas.  I am just curious if this is being done purposely.

Bo Littlefield
AMF300 / 900 Global Staff
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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 10:06:12 AM »
the break point is much stronger than the venom imo.. the venom want to go 50feet down the land then decide if it wanted to turn left oob


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2009, 02:50:32 PM »
It's posts like this that get conversations going about the differences between one companies line of balls versus another. Allows people to share their opinions. That is the reason this site is here.

It's replies like this that confuse me. Either you are interested in the topic and want to read, reply or whatever. But if you don't like the post move on, nobody is making you read it. If you don't want to read other peoples opinions then by all means don't come here.

It's stuff like this that keeps me away from this site. This topic absolutely makes no since even if the tables were turned. ALL companies provide an "engine" and change "tires" to provide a different reaction to a bowlers' desire.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
-Gene Wilder
Justin Kluska
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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 01:43:08 PM »
I have read this topic and I don't get it. If its true, what's the point? I've seen the Widows rolling and they don't look the same as the Breaks, and if they do, who cares!!!


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2009, 04:12:42 PM »
I for one bowl in a center with no 900 global equipment thrown. I used to throw Dynothane and have since been interested in the 900g equipment. So how they compare to balls I see thrown all the time is of interest to me, maybe not to most but I am sure there are others out there like me.

So I guess if the topic doesn't make any cents to you, don't post or worry about it. There are tons of topics on here that you will never see my name pop up in, because I don't care about the topic. I am very confused about the responses in this topic that have nothing to do with the topic, just to complain about what they don't like or care for. Move on trolls.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
-Gene Wilder
Justin Kluska
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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 12:35:24 PM »
Maybe I was rude on my reply, lets put it this way:
Market trends: this could be one reason for the similarities between these balls. Manufacturing balls for heavier oil conditions with strong backends.

Market strategies: Manufacturing balls with similar reactions of any the balls of a competitor that is having success with their products at any given time.

Market approach: We can also say that 900 Global is born after Dynothane is taken over by another company. Dynothane products were more oriented to control motion, they were not as aggresive as other brands. Maybe and just maybe Eric and Phil decided to start the line of products with a very aggresive ball series.

This is how see it. For me they very good products and and I am very happy with them.


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2009, 02:57:26 PM »
Is 900 doing this purposely?  Are they tied together somehow?  There have always been comparisons of the first 3 balls in each line...

Break = Widow
Break Pearl = Widow Pearl
Break s75 = Widow Bite

Now the Break Point appears to do what the Venom is advertised to do.  Don't get me wrong this isn't a knock on 900, I actually think their line is just as good and actually better in a lot of areas.  I am just curious if this is being done purposely.

IMO,  a Break Pearl is way stronger and can handle more mid lane oil than a BW Pearl.  The original Break may be close to the Widow,  but still stronger.
And the S75 rolls different than a Bite.


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Re: Why is the Break line emulating the Widow line?
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2009, 01:46:26 AM »
Yes, and while we're at it, please explain why New York has to emulate California?

It gets light in the morning (dawn)
Stays light while I'm at work (daytime)
Gets dark just when I'm getting home and have time (night)

And then they go and do the same thing the next day!

Well heck, every state does it!

I give it +1 vote for this thread as a real contender in a new category.... Most ridiculous topic thread of the month... Kidjete, if you're lucky, perhaps you'll end up as "Miss March".
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