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Author Topic: Wolverine  (Read 8016 times)


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« on: November 30, 2021, 09:09:03 PM »
When you think of Wolverine, think 900 Global Hyroad Pearl. 900 Global doesn’t release as many balls as our other brands because it has target shapes that it aims to achieve. The Zen is super smooth for me and Global needed that mid range angular symmetrical ball and you got it: Wolverine. Wolverine is similar in strength to a Hyroad Pearl for me but tends to be slightly weaker overall. You’ll find the Wolverine coming into play as the lanes start to force you deeper into the pattern and there is a defined spot to throw it to downlane. For a good comparison of the 900G line in order of strongest to weakest it goes Zen, Wolverine, Burner Pearl.



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Re: Wolverine
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 08:15:20 AM »
Ball Specs
Cover Stock: S70 Pearl
Finish: 1500 Grit Polished
Layout:65 x 5 x 35
RG: 2.54
Differential: 0.053

The Tour Preferred Series Wolverine features the S70 Pearl coverstock, which optimizes max length on medium conditions. The Wolverine’s core is the all new lacerate 2.0 that combines two of Global greatest cores, the Honey Badger and Badger which will give the ball a skid/flip reaction. I tested the ball on a broken down 42 feet THS. As a medium to low rev player, I was standing between the 21 and 30 boards with my feet and 4 and 10 boards with my eyes, never losing any striking power. My ball layout is 65x5x35. The Wolverine is a must have for league and tournament bowlers. Now available for preorder at your local pro shop! My ball reviews are posted on YouTube channel Stanley Waite.

Stanley Waite
900 Global Staff Member   
Dover, DE


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900 Global Wolverine
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2021, 08:33:47 PM »
900 Global has surrounded the S70 Pearl cover over the new Lacerate 2.0 core in the Wolverine. The Lacerate 2.0 core comes with an RG of 2.54 and differential of 0.053. I drilled mine 5.5 x 5 x 3 and my first impressions of throwing this ball is that I creates a different shape that hasn’t been see in the 900 Global line in a very long time. This ball creates a lot more shape down lane compared to the Honey Badgers, it actually reminds me more of a Hy Road type motion only stronger. Any medium length patterns later in blocks is where this Wolverine is going to shine the brights because of the core and cover combination. If you need to smoothen out the reaction, don’t be afraid to knock some of the shine off of it. Bowlers looking for a ball for later in blocks or higher friction lane surfaces, the Wolverine will be your ball of choice!