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Author Topic: Wondering.  (Read 8129 times)


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« on: February 23, 2008, 06:32:59 AM »
I have not really followed 900 G that much. I know that they are in the old Columbia plant and are some old employees of Comlumbia. What I was wondering is how many of the old "Columbia family" cores and covers are able to be used on either AMF stuff or 900 G stuff? After looking at the last couple of releases I am interested in possibly trying something from 900 G.



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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 02:39:03 PM »
I was told by the shop that is their biggest dealer on the east coast that the covers are old Columbia covers.  Two guys from another shop told me the same thing.  Certainly not bullet proof information, but these are pretty reliably guys.
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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 03:05:36 PM »
Kyle not sure about the cores and the covers being the same but I would bet that the covers and cores will be second to none considering the success of the equipment Phil Cardinale has designed and the companies he has owned in the past. I just picked up and AMF The Heist and can tell you it is a fantastic piece, as is the all the DynoThane equipment I own.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 03:45:29 PM »
The core in the Creature looks an awful lot like the AMF Titan core.....
Doug Sterner
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Doug Sterner
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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2008, 03:52:39 PM »
The Break and Break Pearl are original cores, but many of the AMF and other 900G balls have classic Columbia and AMF cores in them.  The "proven BASF resin" on recent AMF balls is basically Superflex.



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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 04:10:56 PM »
I see a lot of columbia/amf "inspiration" in some of global's new stuff.  To me, thats fine, AMF put out some really under the radar stuff that was flat out Great equipment.  To me the Break core looks familiar, I don't remember what, and I'm sure its been tweaked if nothing.  I don't know what to make of it all, I'm a fan of Phil, I just hope its not a replace of Circle bowling, which rehashed a lot of old stuff, made it work, but ultimately couldn't make it all happen.

The covers I am next to sure are Phil's own thing.


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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2008, 05:42:47 PM »

The Break core looks like a modified version of the Jinx and HiJinx core from the old Columbia. If you compare them, the Break version looks almost identical at the top, with the bottom filled out or squashed, then opposite sides are cut out to make it asymmetrical and all its own.

That might answer your mystery question.
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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2008, 05:57:05 PM »
Atleast they dont overcharge them, as elite does.
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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2008, 05:57:42 PM »

The Break core looks like a modified version of the Jinx and HiJinx core from the old Columbia. If you compare them, the Break version looks almost identical at the top, with the bottom filled out or squashed, then opposite sides are cut out to make it asymmetrical and all its own.

That might answer your mystery question.
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Uh...not to be rude or you are saying that if you completely change the core, you get the other one? The Hyjinx and Break cores are nowhere near alike; I doubt that's how they got the shape.

The Break and Break Pearl cores are completely new, 900G designs. The covers, though most likely influenced or developed using previous coverstocks, are not the same; in short, they are unique to the brand. It's not like they took a Big Bully or Action cover and put it on the ball.

Creature and Creature Pearl are, for all practical purposes, Titan cores with a "proven BASF reactive," i.e., Superflex (or really, really, really close to it).

Hope this helps.


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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2008, 06:10:28 PM »

The Break core looks like a modified version of the Jinx and HiJinx core from the old Columbia. If you compare them, the Break version looks almost identical at the top, with the bottom filled out or squashed, then opposite sides are cut out to make it asymmetrical and all its own.

That might answer your mystery question.
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Uh...not to be rude or you are saying that if you completely change the core, you get the other one? The Hyjinx and Break cores are nowhere near alike; I doubt that's how they got the shape.

The Break and Break Pearl cores are completely new, 900G designs. The covers, though most likely influenced or developed using previous coverstocks, are not the same; in short, they are unique to the brand. It's not like they took a Big Bully or Action cover and put it on the ball.

Creature and Creature Pearl are, for all practical purposes, Titan cores with a "proven BASF reactive," i.e., Superflex (or really, really, really close to it).

Hope this helps.

I'm not saying they're the same core. Crank mentioned he thought the Break core looked familar, but wasn't sure where. And after looking at the two, the top of the Break and the HyJinx look similar. So no offense taken, rev. I'm just calling it as I see it, and helping a fellow bowler out.
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Edited on 2/23/2008 7:12 PM


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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2008, 06:26:04 PM »

I'm not saying they're the same core. Crank mentioned he thought the Break core looked familar, but wasn't sure where. And after looking at the two, the top of the Break and the HyJinx look similar. So no offense taken, rev. I'm just calling it as I see it, and helping a fellow bowler out.
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Edited on 2/23/2008 7:12 PM

And there's no problem with 1) calling it as you see it, or 2) helping a fellow bowler out. I guess my point is, though, that sometimes, when you call it like you see it and try to help a fellow bowler out, there's always the chance that you are wrong about whatever it is that you are talking about. That holds true for me, and that holds true for you. Now, I don't profess to have all knowledge related to 900G, nor do I claim to have sat down with Phil and heard him say how he came up with the Break core, but I can almost assure you that in this instance, the Hyjinx and Jinx cores were not the basis. Especially when you consider that the Hyjinx and Jinx cores were not completely new either (unless I'm forgetting something, they were used previously). The Break core is a 900G design, developed by Phil, et al, for their company. It's not a rehash or a modification (even a major modification) on an old design.

Then again, maybe I'm just calling things as I see them and trying to help a fellow bowler out.


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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2008, 06:46:21 PM »
Perhaps I should rephrase my original post and just say:

Yeah, Crank, the Break core looks familiar to me too. It kinda looks like that Jinx and Hyjinx core from the old Columbia company.

There you go, rev. You win. Move on. OK, folks! There's nothing to see here!

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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2008, 06:57:17 PM »
Lets talk reaction!!!!
"Ain't" no way a Break , or Break Pearl react like the old Jinx or Hy Jinx!!!
Those models were very smooth on the backend.  

A Break or Break pearl, give new meaning to the word "backend"


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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2008, 06:59:35 PM »
Perhaps I should rephrase my original post and just say:

Yeah, Crank, the Break core looks familiar to me too. It kinda looks like that Jinx and Hyjinx core from the old Columbia company.

There you go, rev. You win. Move on. OK, folks! There's nothing to see here!

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Dude, nobody's trying to win. If the point is to spread information, though, that information should be clarified and made right; it shouldn't be willy-nilly conjecture and uninformed opinion. That's all. I'm wrong sometimes, too, and I'll be the first to admit it. But when I'm wrong, I sure as hell would like somebody to correct me.



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Re: Wondering.
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2008, 07:28:59 PM »

Dude, nobody's trying to win. If the point is to spread information, though, that information should be clarified and made right; it shouldn't be willy-nilly conjecture and uninformed opinion. That's all. I'm wrong sometimes, too, and I'll be the first to admit it. But when I'm wrong, I sure as hell would like somebody to correct me.

Rev, that's where you're getting your signals crossed. I wasn't trying to give Crank actual fact. I was giving Crank my own opinion of what might have reminded him of the Break core.

Like you said, I'm no expert, and neither are you. I respect Phil, Eric, and everyone at 900G. I would never say or accuse anyone of stealing another formula or core. And I apologize if the words from my original post made you think I really thought the Break core did come from the Jinx core and was trying to convey that to Crank. Quite the contrary. I personally think the top of the two cores look similar. Crank said he thought the Break core looked familiar. And that sparked my interest to reply with my opinion, that perhaps that's where he thought he saw it before in some way, shape or form.

So Phil's design for the core of the Break is totally his own. That's awesome. I never said he got it from the Jinx. My words that I think the top of the two cores look similar is my own humble opinion, not actual fact. Anybody can take it for what it's worth.

And I appreciate that you decided to include your humble opinion that I may have been wrong in giving Crank an actual fact, which I wasn't. Once again I was just giving Crank my humble opinion of what he might have thought the Break core may have looked familiar to. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

I certainly hope this clears up any confusion. Cause I sure don't like having to explain myself over my humble opinion. My two cents just turned into about a dollar. lol

I hope everyone has a good weekend.
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