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Author Topic: Xponent and Zen Gold Label Review  (Read 2261 times)


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Xponent and Zen Gold Label Review
« on: July 17, 2023, 12:42:55 PM »
Video Review:

Reactive solid with the Ordinance core is a perfect blend to this benchmark symmetrical. A step up earlier reaction from the IQ Tour, the Xponent is an ideal selection as the first ball out of the bag. The Xpoenent will be good for those medium oil conditions  when control is at a premium. This fits between a IQ Tour and Summit in terms of performance. If the Summit is too much and the Tour is not enough the Xponent will fit that slot. These type of balls should be in every players bag.
Zen Gold Label:
Cleaner than the original Zen, the Zen Gold will be the cleanest and most angular Zen to date. This is close to a UC2 although a tad earlier/smoother. The Zen Gold will provide clean reaction through the front part of the lane yet respond favorably down lane to friction. As the solid/earlier ball reactions begin to fade and migration to the inside part of the lane is required the Zen Gold will be a great transition option. This ball will be good for those medium to heavier oil conditions and when your looking to create angle with your ball reaction.