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Author Topic: After Dark Pearl  (Read 11316 times)


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After Dark Pearl
« on: July 17, 2018, 01:56:14 PM »
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900Global developed the After Dark ball line to offer entry level bowling balls as well as balls that can be used by tournament players when facing dry lanes. The S30 pearl coverstock offers amazing control and length as well as a very low hook potential. The Nightfall Symmetric core has a high RG and a low differential to assist the beginner bowler with hook control and helps the seasoned bowler maintain their reaction shapes on lanes that are drier.

Color: Purple Pearl
Coverstock: S30 Pearl
Ball Finish: 1500 Grit, Polished
Core: Nightfall Symmetric
Flare Potential: 3" Plus
RG: 2.56 (15lb ball)
Differential: .030 (15lb ball)
Length: Long
Recommended Lane Condition: Dry



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Re: After Dark Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2018, 12:07:41 PM »
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Clean, Smooth, predictable motion

The After Dark series introduces the all-new Function 400 Series.  This ball provides a true entry-level ball but is an absolute must have for the tournament player. When throwing it I was able to play further right in the dry on my THS.  It never over reacted but also did not lose power at the pins.  I was able to move left as the line dried out and still get the ball to hit.  This ball allows you to keep everything in front of you and is necessary for your shorter sport patterns.  This ball fits when Urethane is too little and other higher end equipment gets too much or to rolly and makes it hard to carry.  They come in solid and or pearl.  Of course, the pearl is a little later with a bit of a sharper break point.  This ball fits perfect here. Go Global and see for yourself!

Donny Carr

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After Dark Pearl
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2018, 09:16:52 PM »
After Dark Pearl
   This by far is the most versatile ball ever. Beginners will love the control of not
reacting to much while learning to hook it. Advance bowlers will like it for the
ability to use it on dry conditions. I drilled mine 40 x 4 x 40 and can use it on fresh
and dry conditions. I was very surprised at the pin carry, pocket hits, light hits and high
hits as well. The pearl version is about a foot longer than the solid. Two words for this ball, Super Control. This is a must have ball.

Donny Carr, 900 Global Staff

Michael Slatky

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Re: After Dark Pearl
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2018, 07:16:08 AM »
After Dark Pearl
Coverstock: S30 Pearl
Finish: 1500 Grit Polished
Core: Nightfall Symmetric
RG: 2.56
Differential: 0.030

Layout: 65 x 4 3/4 x 40
Tester:  PAP 5 1/2 R, 1 1/2 D

The After Dark Pearl is quickly grabbing attention within the bowling industry this year.  The After Dark Pearl performs as advertised. It's truly an entry level ball that will perform well on drying THS conditions and also is an excellent choice in sport condition situations where you are looking for a controllable reaction out of a pearl.  I can't say enough about the After Dark series.  If you are a fan of the Boost series you are going to really enjoy the After Dark series as well.  Also, the price point for the After Dark series is simply unbeatable for 2018/2019.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: After Dark Pearl
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 09:55:47 AM »
Drilling pattern: 85 x 3 7/8 x 50
Pin placement: In ring finger

The After Dark series, both the solid and the pearl, have been BIG hits in the little time they have been in my bag. These balls are incredibly controllable and are perfect for drier THS or shorter sport patterns. The After Dark pearl gets through the front part of the lane with ease and goes about 1-2 feet further downlane before making its break to the pocket. These balls are great choices for anyone from an entry level bowler to a top tournament bowler as they provide fantastic versatility and predictable motions. If the heads dry up and you still want length and carry, look no further than the After Dark Pearl.

Brent Ritchie
900 Global Regional Staff


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Re: After Dark Pearl
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2019, 02:35:27 PM »
See Bowler Profile
Quick Stats:
PAP 5" right +3/4" up
Rev: 450+
Speed: 16mph (at breakpoint)
Tilt: 10 degrees
Axis Rotation: 40-60 degrees (comfort zone)

Hello All. Doing a season end review of the After Dark Pearl along with a few other favorites. This ball was specifically used on broken down THS and short oil sport. Although I only subbed in sport this year so I didn't get many games in.

What I was looking for:
Like most bowlers I typically will pickup new equipment for fresher conditions because who doesn't like a nice new benchmark ball. Where I've struggled is on houses with lighter THS volumes typically once the head oil is beat up and bowlers start chopping whatever oil is left in the middle. I've rarely come across good equipment for hooking heads or burn when attempting to square up my angles.

What I got:
I drilled my After Dark Pearl 5" x 65* (65x5"x65) with no balance hole. The cover teased slightly with a dry 2000 pad to knock a bit of shine down. This ball in one word control... It will read the lane a bit in oil which will make it work for fresh if desired. Where it shines is it's ability to control transition to dry boards. Where most lighter oil equipment will jerk or read the hook & roll phase to quickly (hoot/set) this blends it out creating a very continuous motion through the pins.  On 30-35ft sport patterns I was able to bowl with a lot of comfort and create more motion thru the deck than those using urethane and mild solid covers. 

Unfortunately I don't have many comparisons to make here and over the years I've rotated this spot in my bag constantly. It easily hooks 5+ boards less then my Venom Shock Pearl and Desert Ops and is way more tempered on the backend. The Desert Ops catching more midlane  and motion on the backend, noticeably reading the dry harder. 

I feel this ball will remain a hidden gem. There's some talk of it around the boards but it's easily over shadowed by the white and gold nuggets. I've yet to come across with another on the lanes. If you're a 900 Global fan I would highly recommend it to someone wanting to square up or is rev dominate in any way. I may try another with a 40* VAL
Just an unbiased bowling enthusiast trying too enjoy the game with each set.



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Re: After Dark Pearl
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2020, 09:31:14 PM »

Length: 50'

Volume: 17.5 mL

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): House

To put it bluntly, I bowl like an old man even though I'm not.  ;D 15.5 mph off my hand is ideal and I'm only at like 275 revs. Trying to lower my axis rotation from near 90 and am closer to 60 as long as I'm keeping things in front of me. Tilt's a bit high, 20ish.

I picked this up because I found out our house pattern is light and the Web Tour I got is just overkill for it (and less surface isn't really the answer). However the PSO put like a 5.5x60 on it which makes a ball with length even longer. I wasn't sure it would be good at all, and I was part right: Game 1 it just gets going too late. Not all that unexpected for being weak on weak. Game 3 though it's money.  Just seems to be just right for that condition, misses left still carry, misses right still get back to the pocket, misses way right off the adult bumper actually have a chance of staying on the right side of the headpin.

Probably anything that's beaten up this is going to be at least a decent option for.

Likes: Awesome as long as this pattern's broken down

Dislikes: That I can't use it in game 1. Need a little more for that, could just be as simple as a second one or a Hybrid with like a 4x75 on it.
The Future of Bowling: Bowling is a once-popular tavern game played with a heavy ball and ten pins.