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Author Topic: Break Point Pearl  (Read 11888 times)


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Break Point Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
- Coverstock: S73
- Color: Copper/Ocean
- Finish: Polished
- Reaction Shape: Skid-flip
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
- Flare Potential 5 - 6"
- RG: 16#-2.510 15#-2.531 14#-2.550
- RG Diff: 16#-0.055 15#-0.055 14#-0.055
- Description: In the Break Point Pearl we’ve sharpened our point by increasing flare with the addition of a bottom flip block to our immensely popular Break Series core. Global uses a numeric rating system to rate the aggressiveness of it''''s coverstocks. (S10 least aggressive - S90 most aggressive)



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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 05:30:52 AM »
The break point pearl is a great addition to the break series with the added puck in the weight block you can really see the difference in the movement. As the pearl cover helps the ball in many ways for one giving it the length and the back end that is missing in the break point, but it is not as skid flip as i was thinking it to be. For those of you who have a break point and have polished it you all then know that the break point becomes week while gaining a more aggressive back end. Well now you have the break point pearl which gives you more length and more backend and is with out a doubt stronger than any polished up break point. Now my layout is a modified rico with the pin in the center line but up 3/4 of an inch and the m.b. at 45 degrees. This has gave me the ability to play deep inside angles on a t.h.s and still have a smooth strong motion through the break point and on to better pin carry, which is something everyone needs. Now i will say this ball does read the dry really quick so on your drier conditions you will see that violent skid flip movement and as you know layout choice will have a big play in that. With all said the best way to find out how great the break point pearl is, is to just go out and buy it especially if you have already found out how great the break point is the you will love this one for sure.
In the bag:
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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 11:32:17 PM »
This is the first Global 900 product that I have drilled. I put the pin above the fingers and placed the MB 45 degrees out. The ending side weight was 3/4. I found this layout was much to aggressive for a standard house condition. It was very skid flippy and over reacted on the dry. Iplaced a weight hole on my PAP and brought it back to 0 side. This mellowed the back end reaction out a little. This past weekend I bowled on a 47 foot flooded pattern and the ball was fantastic. Very long and when it hit the back end it rolled up nicely into the pocket. The entry angle was great as I only left 3 10 pins in 5 games.

I give this ball a 10. Well worth the price point.

This ball was drilled at the Strike Zone Pro Shop in Henderson, NV.

Thanks to Eric Forkel for the help with drilling.


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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 11:24:46 PM »
Ok.  I have now used this ball on the five PBA animal patterns and
of course the typical house pattern.

It is too much back end for me on the THS.  I use a
Global 900 Link for the THS.

On the Viper.  Scary.  I never had such a great reaction
on the viper.  Second arrow out to third board
and snap right back into the pocket.

Cheetah.  Pretty good reaction.  Just like the viper.

Chamaleon.  Align right foot between the first and second arrow.
Roll the ball between first and second arrow with the ball
winding out to about the third board.

Scorpion. Stand all of the way to the right.  Go straight
down the third board.

Shark.  I bowled on two Shark pairs.  The first pair, I did have
some friction to get it back.  The second pair, no good.  For
fresh Shark pattern, I do not recommend this ball.

My drilling 5x3, pin on top.

For Cheetah, Viper and Chamaleon, do not overlook this ball.

ball boy

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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 11:10:18 AM »
Ball spec's 15.2 2" pin 2.5 top
My profile: speed 14-16mph, power stroker rt hand.

Lane surface, wood, overlays and synthetic.

Drilling: 4 x 4 pin down, box finish

The BP Pearl is an actual Pearl ball that is more than the Pearl version of the solid.  The BPP has a good amount of midlane roll making it a very versatile ball for me on medium conditions.  I had a shorter pin on this one so nothing fancy on the drill, pin down 12 o'clock, no hole.  Smooth rolling, hard hitting pearl.  Easy read the break point due to the drilling and the midlane this ball provides.  It does give you the length the solid cannot when the heads break down.  I also tried this ball with a little "dead" 2000 Abralon and found it useful on sport condition.  Highly polished a did get a good snap/arc backend reaction and it allowed me to get in and swing it to the dry.  Here I found an awesome light mixing ball that gave me lots of room right and some tug left.

Great addition to the line and a solid compliment to the BP solid.

Joe Arvai
900 Global Amateur Staff


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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2009, 11:35:12 AM »
first off spec on profile
ok have 35 games with one and 22 with the other so here we go this is by far the most aggressive pearl i have ever thrown and i've thrown alot. i drilled 2 of these balls up first one my favorite house shot layout a rico drill BPP#1 the other place pin right above the bridge and cg out 2" with a x hole on val in thumb quad BPP#2.

fresh house shot (easy street):
the rico one was the most predictable of the 2 on this pattern was really smooth yet aggressive. the pin over was a little too flippy for me as the backends were very fresh.

fresh house shot (main street):
this pattern is used for our scratch league and both balls were a good 1-2 punch the first night out started with pin over playing 25 to 7 ended up shooting 267 with a fast 8 and 10 pin next game ball started to get a little squirty so i switched to the BPP#1 and finished with a solid 224 considering starting with 2 splits in the first 3 frames. finished with a 300 so first night in league with this ball 791 not bad.

PBAX ( scorpion, viper):
on the scorpion both balls worked well until the shot carried down then neither was the best look for me couldn't carry the corner pins wasn't driving threw the deck. on the viper the BPP#1 was money in the bank playing 22 out to 9 this ball made a nice controlled move for the first 2 games.

final thoughts:
this ball is quickly becoming my favorite ball in the bag, the reaction i get from the global stuff reminds me of the old storm gear. i think anyone with good speed and needing that little extra punch on the back end will really like it plus as far as a pro shop standpoint the BPP is a very good looking ball along with most of the global stuff it works well it has great shelf appeal and with walter throwing it the older guys are warming up to a newer company instead of throwing what company they always have. hope this helps


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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 10:33:45 AM »

Drill Angle = 75
VAL Angle = 35
Pin to PAP = 4 7/8

This ball was drilled to maximize use on House Patterns and the PBA Cheetah. The pattern created was a pin above my ring and the MB falls just inside the thumb.

The reaction created was a skid/flip...skid/heavy roll. The reason I gave this ball two types of reactions is because when playing inside the 3rd and 4th arrow this ball will skid/flip on most patterns. The heavy roll occurs when the pattern is a little longer and a more blended backend rather than a distinct friction zone.

A perfect combination to the Solid Break Point as the higher DIFF allows for that bigger backend move and the pearl cover helps clear the mids much easier, allowing for bigger a target to breakpoint line of 10-15 boards.
Stephen Hahn - Owner

Spares Pro Shop - Pro Shop Technician
Stephen Hahn
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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2010, 05:52:10 PM »
It may be too soon to post a review on this since I've only bowled with it 4 times, but here is my input.

-Low track
-Medium revs
-Medium Speed
-About 30 Degree Side Roll
-Drilled 4.5 inches from PAP

I started this off on a European shot, not sure which one. I started with the original Break, playing fairly straight outside while my ball was getting drilled. My Break is drilled for strong midlane, and my Break Point Pearl drilled for little midlane and mostly backend. After switching to the Break Point Pearl, I had to move ten boards left just because of the backend. I thought it was just picking up a roll too quickly at first, until I threw a few more shots and realized that that was just the backend that the ball had.

Like any typical reason why one would get a pearl ball, I got this for used lanes and this one particular house where nothing of mine makes it to the backend. This ball makes it to the backend, and comes back to where most of my stuff would burn up, but one thing I noticed is that it still rolled at extreme angles and carried. One example is where I was playing 4th arrow, and there were a few times where I left solid 7's on good pocket shots as a result of the ball finishing too hard. Then I bowled in carrydown the next day, and that strong roll allowed me to use this ball and capitalize on the backend.

This ball was much needed in my arsenal. It opened up an angle of attack that I thought could not exist for a medium oil ball.

I might be able to test this on a sport shot soon, and a second shift shot. I might update this.


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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2010, 12:16:19 PM »

SPECS:Magic layout, pin over Bridge with everything else in a line. OOB Surface no X-holes.

T&O Lanes: Old School Center Guardian through the first 20 feet and ancient wood after that, house is famous for the roaring wild screaming backend, and brutal carry down that can occur, Especially in the warmer months of the season. Once it gets cold they get stiff as Bass says and you lose some backend.

The First game BPP is out of the question over the top returns hinder my ability to get left far enough, However at the start of game 2 and the carry down rears its head BPP makes an apperance. Going 3rd arrow out to 7-8 the BPP ignores the carry down and makes a hard arc toward the pocket and murders everything it finds their. Small hand adjustments allow me to bump out as nesscary as long as I start it in oil it is fine. On the odd lane (no ball return) i can move in almost as far as i want and still get it to bounce back it it comes to that, I have been as deep as 23 playing out ten and can get it back for light mixers that BPP carries all day and night long.

SUPER BOWL: Have practiced with and used BPP in league more than once. Big B synthetics and run of the mill THS. BPP was almost unstoppable. Subbed one night and used it playing 16-17 out to about 12-10 easy length easier than at T&O, BPP would make a very hard arc into the pins at about the 45 foot mark. Again here nothing had a chance if it hit the pocket. I have ran 8+ in a row numerous times at this house with this ball.

HIT/CARRY/ROLL:This thing demolishes bowling pins! They stay low bounce around messengers are pretty common, it looks like a surgical air strike was called in on the pin deck. Light mixers go down easier than a cheap hooker. Ball has a cool roll to it, very easy length with very strong arc not snap but arc to it. I do mean a VERY strong arc, but not so much that you cant read it easily.

OVERALL:One of my favorites in the bag right now. Very reliable and consistent Across many conditions. I have used it across Cheetah Viper and Chameleon patterns on wood AND synthetic lanes and numerous THS and the ball has never failed me. I dont think this is my last 900 Global ball!
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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 07:30:55 PM »
ball- 15lbs, 3inch pin, a little under 3 top weight.
drill- pin under middle about 1/2 inch, cg kicked out about 45* + a little.

Start off by saying, i'm not an expert, i trust my driller who knows what to do so sorry i can't help with that stuff.

this is the first ball out of my bag.  I am a medium speed 14-15 mph guy with medium revs and am a tweener.  With this drill i was not sure because I normally throw a long hook, so most of my balls have been pin over stuff, but wanted to start bellying the ball more so my driller went with this.  i get excellent roll, a good move off the dry ( i shoot overlays with about 45 ft of oil) but it is just pure smooth with great continuation.  I have thrown alot of balls widows, a paradigm, riegn, one pearl, rogue, and others, and this is by far my favorite ball.  pin carry is exceptional, and even though i don't always it my mark the ball does the work for me.  i would suggest this ball to anyone, if the have a guy who knows what he is doing drilling.  thanks for reading this
201 league average 2 leagues
One pearl
Cherry vibe
14lb agent
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing
Break point pearl- now is my favorite ball


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Re: Break Point Pearl
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2010, 12:29:12 AM »
drilled for arcing shot not skid and snap
15# oob surface
synthetic lanes on the medium to dry side - THS

great hitting power 2 ten pins in three games, kicked it out most shots
swinging 13-14 out to 5-7

easy to control without over/under reaction

would reccomend if you don't encounter a flood of oil - medium oil for sure