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Break S75
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Break S75 adds an additional weapon to the Break arsenal. The Break S75 shell is more aggressive, featuring a new absorbent coverstock technology designed to move oil rapidly away from the surface, enhancing an already high friction coverstock.

The Break series asymmetric core was designed to create length and flip. This, combined with the more aggressive S75 shell, provides a ball path motion that reads the mid-lane earlier than the first two Breaks and provides a strong move at the breakpoint.

900 Global uses a numeric rating system to rate the aggressiveness of it''''s coverstocks. (S10 least aggressive - S90 most aggressive)

Break series lane diagram

Technical Specifications
                     Coverstock S75â„¢
Finish 600 Grit sandpaper -Rubbing compound
        Reaction Shape Length Strong-move
                      Lane Condition Oily
                  Available weights 12 - 16
                      Flare Potential 5 - 6"

    16#        15#       14#
R.G.     2.484     2.489     2.539
Diff.     0.055     0.058     0.049
Mid Diff.     0.023     0.024     0.020



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Re: Break S75
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2008, 05:00:29 PM »
I drilled the ball to hook EARLY, don't know the exact specs.  The ball does just what I wanted it to do, hooks EARLY and DOES NOT STOP HOOKING.   It starts grabbing the lanes just past the arrows and surprisingly doesn't burn up the energy and roll out!  I have to keep a soft hand with a ton of speed to keep the ball in the pocket.  
I bought the ball to use in tournaments when they flood the lanes.  I used it at a tournament three weeks ago and I was the only person that could get outside the 5 board and still get back to the pocket.  In fact I had to polish the ball to keep from going across the lanes.  

I would highly recommend the ball to anyone that wants a heavy oil ball.

c squared

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Re: Break S75
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 03:39:39 PM »
Had an opportunity to drill one of these a couple weeks ago and I am very impressed!!   This gets into a heavy roll for me and continues thru the pindeck.  I think this would be a great ball for any style bowler...great ball from 900 Global


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Re: Break S75
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 08:45:35 PM »
WOW!! The break does it again!! I love this ball.  This is the best ball I have EVER had for oil! These balls just keep getting better and better.  I have mine drilled out to go long, and even in heave oil it still makes a great left turn and hits like a truck.  I can not recommend this ball enough.
Jaime Cullen  AMF/900 Global Staff

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Re: Break S75
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2008, 01:16:40 PM »
Ball spec's 15.4 2" pin 3 top
My profile: speed 14-16mph, power stroker rt hand.

Lane surface, wood, overlays and synthetic.

Drilling: 4 x 4 pin down, box finish

Drilled up this monster with the help of Lennie Boresch Jr. at Bowlers Choice Pro Shop in Racine, WI and I'd have to say 900 Global has there oily lane ball!  This one is quite impressive in the midlane and backend.  It really differs from the original Break in the midlane roll - this ball really revs in the midlane and still has some POP for the backend.  Where the Break could hang on oily patterns this one cuts through like butter!  It does NOT like drier heads - you can't force this one when they start to break down.  I am amazed at the hook and hitting power it gives out of the box.  This ball by no means is dull.  It has a polish finish/look but rolls like dull and flips like a polish!!  If the Break wasn't enough for you on oil this one will be for sure.  I will try some surface adjustments to see what it does with a 2000 pad to it and some glossy polish - this one could be very versatile.  

The Break 75 has a chance to be the solid oil ball of the year!  Give it a try.

Joe Arvai IV
900 Global Amateur Staff


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Re: Break S75
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 01:15:58 PM »
Ok, i've thrown it enough to give it a proper review.
personal stats in profile

Break S75 #1
14lbs 3oz
4 3/4" pin
T.W. 3oz

4" Pin to pap X 5" MB to pap
2" pin buffer
4000 Abralon + Snake Oil

Extremely clean through the front and midlane, with a strong move to the pocket on the backend with great continuation.  can be over/under on the wet/dry, due to surface prep.  but on second shift to broken down lanes this ball finds the pocket from deep inside.  on the shorter patterns or wood lanes this ball is phenomenal, very clean and fast through front and midlane and the sniff of friction it makes its strong almost flippy move to the pocket, very cantrollable/predictable.

Break S75 #2
14lb 3oz
5" pin
T.W. 2.25oz

4" Pin to pap X 4 1/2" MB to pap
2 1/4" Pin buffer
1000 Abralon

S75 Vid

this needs head oil.  clean through the front, good midlane read and strong and continuous on the backend.  once the heads go, you better have enough room to move left or bag it early.  handles the fresh THS easily from 4th arrow and is clean enough through the front from deeper angles & enough recovery to make it back to the hole.  too much ball on shorter patterns, light oil, or wood lanes...picks up too early or burns up before the midlane move.  i use it consistently on my league THS only because of the slick surface of the new Brunswick Anvilane.  if the shot dries up i bag it for the polished S75 or something else.

So far, both S75's have seen tournament play and have proven very successful.  very versatile ball and the cover is easily adjustible.  900 Global has done a great job with their Break line of products.  you would not be disappointed by any of their products.


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Re: Break S75
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 12:08:47 AM »
I've been shooting some big stores since I started using this ball.  I always carry 6 balls but thib ball is seeing a lot of use.  I use it on wood and synthetic lanes and two completely different lines and the ball carries. This is a strong ball that reads the midlane well and keeps coming.  I have the ball drilled stacked and have ordered another ball.  I may drill it weaker or throw it in the closet.


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Re: Break S75
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2009, 07:58:33 PM »
Picked this ball up from Britton ( Videoballreviews). Because our cut to cut spans are the same i was able to just put a new slug and my grips in the ball. It is layed out with pin below middle finger, cg near thums and mass bias about 3 inches right of the thumb. Based on my axis it comes out at 5 1/4 x 3 1/2. The original ball i was going to gewt was the pin up ball he was selling but he founf it had cracked while sitting so i took the pin under ball instead.  The ball is at box finish. I was a  little leary of the layout as a couple of previous balls i had with the pin under the middle finger tended to go to early and hit like a wet marshmellow do to burning up.  This ball truly amazed me!! It did roll early as i expected but there is no quit in this ball. Ball has basically a big arc as far as ball reaction and judt solid continuation through the pins. So far i have played as deep as 4th arrow with this ball with no loss of carry. I'm looking forward to drilling and throwing a pin up drilling of this ball. Thanks for another great piece 900 Global
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: Break S75
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2009, 09:36:49 PM »
The ball: 16 pounds, 5-inch pin, 2.3 oz. top before drilling
The drill: Pin on VAL 4 inches up from PAP, CG below and left of middle, MB in the middle of the track at 9 o'clock from the center of the grip (pic link: Works out to a 4x5.5x6.5 drill (pin/CG/MB) for me. Surface is box grit plus Storm Moon Shine.
Me: PAP 4 over 3/8 up, tweener revs, good speed, typically throw with high rotation and low tilt but can adjust both.


I bought this ball not only to test 900Global stuff, but also to test out a specific drill pattern. The pattern I wanted to test was to place the pin directly on the VAL, 4 inches up from the PAP. Since I'd had good experiences with the "Tommy Jones" layout, which puts the pin high above the fingers and about an inch away from the PAP, I wanted to see it at its most extreme.

Putting the pin there on this ball had the effect of sending the CG and MB into weird places (see photo link above). So I didn't know what to expect with this ball.

I decided to add Storm Moon Shine to the cover at drilling because of the oil volumes I typically see in my house. There is great debate over what kind of cover is on this ball. Sales pics make it look like a pearl, it's listed as a solid and 900Global employees say it's a hybrid. In my experience, it moves and acts like a hybrid and looks like a particle pearl. So we'll call it a hybrid.

The layout allows the ball to lope early, rev up in the back half of the mids, then make a strong, continuous arc through the pins. The ball won't recover from absolutely everywhere, but it pretty much owns everything from third arrow out to about the first arrow, perhaps a bit further outside. There is more room for error in this ball than just about anything else I own.

Pin action with this ball is some of the best I've ever observed, particularly on light hits. The pocket is wide for this ball. High hits also carry above-average, but it's the light hits and mixers that really spur on the "wow" factor.

The ball responds very well to changes in speed, hand position and other inputs. The cover does a nice job of smoothing out over/under.

On the negative side, some oil is a must. Once the overall volume, particularly in the track area, gets too low it's time to put it up. If this ball starts reading too early, it will puke out in the back. However, it will let you know that point is coming up beforehand. A couple of ringing 10-pins usually preclude  the arrival of more drastic leaves, such as blower 7-10s, buckets and the like.

As a final note, this ball provided me my highest game to date (297) about two weeks after I drilled it. It's earned a permanent spot in the bag. A summary follows.


Positives: Unrivaled carry on light hits, increases margin of error substantially, easy to apply adjustments and achieve different performances.

Negatives: Needs some oil to work, not as strong off the edge as one might think.

Summary: Easily the best ball I've drilled for myself in two years now and perhaps ever, a great tool for bowlers of all ability.
