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Author Topic: Creature  (Read 10189 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock S40â„¢
Flare Potential 3-4"
Finish 600-Grit/2000-Polish
Reaction Shape Roll & arc
Lane Condition Medium
Available weights 14, 15, 16



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Re: Creature
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 08:08:12 PM »
My profile is the following. I am a tweener who throws the ball around 18.5-19mph. PAP is 5 1/2 over and 1/2 up. Do not use grips or thumb slugs.

Box specs 15.03 pin 2 3/4 top 3 3/4
Creature drilled 4 3/4 x 4
I left my Creature in box condition.  I would compare this ball to the Crisis solid.  This ball with the way I have it drilled definately needs head oil.  If I don't have any oil in the heads this ball just burns up.  When I used it on the fresh 38' house shot this ball gets down the lane very nicely and gives you a strong arc.  With this ball I was playing 10 to 7 and it was starting up very nicely and carring very well.  I did try this ball on dry heads and as I said before it just started up to early and was useless.  

Like my other reviews I will update this as I get on different lane conditions.
Derek Trowbridge
900 Global: The world is ours


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Re: Creature
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2007, 01:19:38 PM »
The Creature is a much longer ball than the Break, but smooth with a bigger backend than was expected. Ball went very long first couple of games, then it started hooking up a little sooner and hooking more. Not in a bad way! Better than I expected. This ball hits very hard and is smooth. As soon as the Break starts breaking too early put the Creature in your hand and keep the scores high. Great 1 2 punch from Phil and the guys.
Dynothane carries end of story


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Re: Creature
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2007, 12:16:43 AM »
The Creature
Ball 16-1  Top 3.25  Pin 2.5
Drilling 3&3/8 leverage  Weight hole on PAP
Bowling style full roller with moderate revs

The ball has a very tacky reactive cover stock and is truly a medium oil ball.  This ball can be a handful when the lanes are too dry.  When the lanes are too wet it will have trouble responding.

The ball has as much punch as any quality ball out there.  Truck, train, sledgehammer, define it anyway you like, it’s got a very good hit.  The main outstanding quality I found in my ball was a very smooth motion on the lane.  It has a nice blend of arc and snap in the backend and takes an excellent path in the pocket area.  No ringing 9 pins in 24 games I have used it at this time.  Anyone who has as many eleven strike games as I do thanks to that stinging 9 pin should appreciate that quality.  

Shades of Dynothane :  I found this ball keeps the pins flying low to the deck much like the Dynothane hit.  The mix generates higher carry percentages because standing pins are struck closer to the base instead of higher up where the wobble effect is generated.

This ball is very reactive but tracks very nicely.  The Creature seems to resist over-under more than most other balls in it’s class.  The only time I saw violent sudden jumps was when I tossed this ball on a condition that was really too dry for the thing in the first place.  On a condition this ball is intended for, it is nothing short of being a strike machine.  

In my opinion the Creature is a fine mid performance ball.  It’s lane application is comparable to most mid performance balls.  Despite being quite tacky and extremely reactive it glides through the heads nicely and the motion remains smooth and fluid throughout the shot.  The motion the ball generated is the quality that impressed me the most.  The Creature seems less snappy than other balls in it’s performance class with a leverage drilling while delivering a very distinctive backend movement.
900 Global is a new label but formed by people with a proven history in delivering fine bowling products.  Kudos to Phil Cardinale and crew for a job well done.  




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Re: Creature
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2007, 04:32:19 PM »
900 Global Creature
15 lbs, 2-2.5 inch pin

Drilling: 4 inches pin-PAP, 45 degrees, 45 degrees (per Mo Pinel's new dual angle layout technique)

Surface: OOB

Lanes: Wood

Oil Condition: Short(er) pattern, reasonably flat. This is not a THS or Great Wall of China with a huge puddle in the middle; rather, it is a condition with decent volume in the front 15 feet, with plenty of friction downlane, due to both the short pattern and the higher friction lane material (wood).

Results: The Creature displayed easy length through the heads and a controlled backend ball reaction. This reaction was especially useful for playing a more direct line to the pocket; I could use the Creature far out toward the ditch, or dump/fudge it in the track area, to great effect. Many strikes were strung in this manner. Carry was superb, as is typical of most new balls on the market today; the pins were kept low, and all was well -- the Creature creates enough angle to carry the ten, but does not leave a ton of nine-pins like some balls do. As the lanes transitioned, small adjustments allowed me to continue playing the same area of the lane; this is a ball that I can either back off or up the speed/rev rate, and still produce a consistent ball reaction with. Still, at some point, the heads became too burnt, and the carrydown became too pronounced for me to continue playing far outside. Moving in, I kept my angle to the pocket as tight as possible, upped the speed, rev rate, and axis rotation, and once again found a very good line that produced a high number of strikes. The only time I found the Creature to not be at home was WAY inside; the weaker core's lower flare potential did not allow me to consistently carry from inside the 5th-6th arrow. Of course, this isn't where I would normally play with this ball, nor is it where I would like to play with any ball, if possible. I would much rather change my release or go to a weaker ball, than continue moving more and more inside (lofting the gutter cap is not my forte!).

In my opinion, compared to other balls out today, the Creature compares most favorably to either a Visionary Ogre Pearl or a Roto Grip Saturn. However, I believe that the Creature merges the two best parts of the two aforementioned balls -- it gets through the heads cleanly, makes a controlled arc to the pocket, and then punishes the pins, keeping everything nice and low. Plus, it looks great!

All in all, this is a definite winner from 900G that will undoubtedly find a home in my bag for most THS and shorter tournament shots (wherever friction is present, the Creature will go). I will update this review as more games are put on the ball (on different oil patterns and lane surfaces), and will soon put the finishing touches on a new video...

-- revTrex

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Re: Creature
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 12:37:11 PM »
Ball spec's #15.3 3" pin 3.5 top

Drilled 12 o'clock ping high, small hole, box finish

Tested on synthetic AMF & Brunswick lanes

This ball, 900 Global's second release is a good overall ball for medium to drier lane conditions. It is also a great compliment to the Break. This one skids farther and reacts to dry with a hard arc. It's not for heavy oil but will handle some of today's drier league conditions especially when thrown by the heavy handed or slower ball speeds. This one seemed to work better and carry better in the box finish which is polished. Scuffing this one made it handle heavier oil and a sport condition better but the carry percentage went down due to the lack of backend in this state. Don't be afraid to swing this one on dry - believe me it's coming back! What's even better is the price of this one - this ball will compete in performance with all the mid price lines of the competition so give one a try!

Joe Arvai IV
900 Global Amateur Staff


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Re: Creature
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2007, 08:23:07 PM »
I bought 2 Breaks, first one has a 2 inch pin, this one I drilled it with pin below my bridge, MB 2 inches away fron thumb. Left in box surface. Did not like it, low flare but strong cover. Because I had another one ordered with a 3.0" pin, I redrilled the first one and move the pin to the right, below the ring finger, much better reaction for oilier conditions, used it once on more oil and work just great. The second Break, with a 3.0 pin, drilled it with pin over ring finger. At first could not use it in my house, they change they oil pattern. But lately they change it again and has more oil. Still cover is to strong for the condition, so I hit it with Abralon 2000 and then polished it. Too smooth on the lane, didn't like it, went to the proshop again and give it a 4000 Abralon. Ladies and gentlemen, this ball is unreal. Has a strong backend but it doesn't overreact. It just turns to the pocket with power. Carry is great, I have my inserts color yellow, so when I am not release it correctly I know it, ten pins show up. So I correct my hand position and problem solved. Some friends had already told me that they will get one. There are some very good balls in the market, but this one has to be in the top five, this one is as strong and versatile as you can get.


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Re: Creature
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 10:06:17 AM »
Got this ball with my Break, and I have to say, it was little stronger than I had expected it to be.  Had it drilled to work well on the Cheetah pattern, pin above my ring finger, CG kicked out to the right, and a weight hole at my PAP, and it may fit the bill just perfect for that.  On a THS, it gets nice length, and makes a very hard arc into the pocket.  I was a bit concerned as this core reminds me a lot of the cores Columbia used, and may even be one, as I did not carry very well with Columbia balls, but this is a totally different animal.  This ball hits very hard, and the carry for me is great.  If it gets on anything above medium oil, it will skid too much, and not finish, but that's when The Break comes out.  900 Global is off to a fantastic start, and can't wait to see more equipment from them.


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Re: Creature
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2008, 07:24:18 PM »
The Creature

16lb 1oz
3 1/2" Pin

4" Pin to PAP
75 degree layout
Pin is just outside of the ring finger

Second Shift House shot.

I bowled twice on the second shift.  The ball is great, but needs a little head oil.  To find that I moved in just a bit.  This gave me an area of the lane that was not being used much (some inside some outside).  The ball recovers in the midlane very well.  It then finishes up strong without being overly sharp/late.  

The carry from this ball is amazing.  The pins stay low and seem to bounce off the ball.

The next session with the Creature was Early shift with fresher oil.

Fresh House shot

Moved out to the track area.  The ball was amazing again.  With the fresh oil the ball rolled up strong and continued through the pins.

Another winner from Phil and Eric.

Great job guys



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Re: Creature
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 12:12:24 AM »
Great bowling ball here! I used the Creature on a short medium oiled house shot and let me tell you the backend of this beast is incredible! The only problem with it is I have it drilled aggressive and it was just way to strong for this pattern. The ball did smash the pins but it kept going through the pins(continuing to go through them missing the 9 pin and sometimes leaving a 2-10 split). I know because of my higher revs that didn't help either but when used on heavy oil I will be able to use it with great control. All in all, a great bowling ball! Creature rating 10/10.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997
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JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982

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Re: Creature
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2010, 09:18:56 AM »
Ball is an amazing benchmark ball and does a great job for replacing my retired danger zone.  I drilled it pin over fingers and cg stacked.  This ball is great on a medium to dry shot.  With the smooth reaction this ball tells me if i need to switch to something stronger or switch to something weaker.  Having the ball on heavy oil it will skid and when the ball hits carry down it will deffinately wiggle.  It is the most reliable ball in my bag because i know exactly what it can and cannot do.
Kiall Hill
AMF 300
Good Stuff